Page 5 - Association of ADFAS, Strategic Plan 2020-2026, Book Format, Version 2.05b (PFarr, 23Oct2020)_Classical
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Association of ADFAS Strategic Plan 2020-2026: ‘Embracing the Arts, enriching Australia’
The Association of Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Societies Inc. (“ADFAS”)
The ADFAS Chair, Executive Committee elected Members, together with the is a unique not-for-profit organization that promotes the arts across
Chairs of all ADFAS Societies across Australia are most pleased to introduce metropolitan and rural communities. In addition to hosting an annual lecture
the ADFAS Strategic Plan 2020-2026. series, many societies create arts-related opportunities for young people and
conduct research projects into buildings of cultural and historical significance.
‘Embracing the Arts, enriching Australia’ represents a dynamic strategic
direction for ADFAS that encourages agility and the sharing of ideas, The ADFAS story is one of growth and generosity of spirit.
experiences and knowledge. This approach draws on our considerable
expertise to provide our valued members with the leadership and
management strategies that are the most adept in tackling complex business 2.1 ‘ADFAS – Towards 2010’
issues in a rapidly changing and complex environment. The previous Strategic Plan produced in 2005 was titled ‘ADFAS – Towards
2010’, and had these four key objectives:
As a proudly not-for-profit organisation now over 30 years old, ADFAS
continually reinvests to build capacity, educate, entertain, and provide A. Develop and support our member Societies;
opportunities via philanthropic ventures. There is absolutely no doubt that the B. Streamline the Association’s administration;
impact of COVID-19 on ADFAS Societies is not going to be temporary. The C. Enlarge the scope of ADFAS by establishing new Societies and
“new normal” is still evolving and may well prove to be a moving object. increasing Lecture Circuits;
D. Strengthen the ADFAS image by promoting its name and its aims
Developed in collaboration with key stakeholders, this Strategic Plan outlines throughout Australia.
our vision, purpose, core values, and our strategic objectives to build in the
next five years an even greater ADFAS community across Australia. 2.1.1 Achievements from the Towards 2010 Objectives
The ADFAS Strategic Plan has a timeframe of 2020-2026 and is organised (Source: Peter Windeyer, former National Secretary, Jan. 2020)
into four Strategic Focus Areas: 1. Third lecture circuit established
A. Strengthen the ADFAS Organization 2. Travel officer appointed for each Circuit
B. Build Strategic Relationships to Support ADFAS Outcomes 3. Lecturer coordinator appointed for each Circuit
C. Enhance ADFAS Activities 4. ‘Showbag’ for Societies given at each Council Meeting
D. COVID-19 Impacts and Mitigation Strategy. 5. Job description for each Executive member drawn up
6. Digital technology – slides to PowerPoint adopted by lecturers
The core part of the plan is Table 8. Priority Actions, Success Indicators, 7. Ten new societies established
Strategies, Resources and Time Frame, which contains for each Priority 8. Contemporary logo adopted
Action (Strategic Focus Area) the relevant Specific Objectives, Success 9. Publicity brochures made up for general use
Indicators, Strategies, Resources and Time Frame. The Budgetary Net Costs 10. Website constantly improved and updated
of the nominated priority items from Section 7 are estimated in Table 9 as 11. ADFAS Travel expanded
$67,000 once off and $45,000 recurring annual. The Success Indicators listed 12. Societies developing links with other Arts/Heritage organisations
in Table 8 will be the payoff for this strategic investment. 13. An ADFAS Foundation established – The PRF
14. More societies adopting Church recording.
We look forward to working together with members and supporters in 15. School of Arts/Mechanics Institute recording established
‘Embracing the Arts, enriching Australia.’ 16. More societies participating in Young Arts projects
17. Pauline Hopkins Cup for Youth Arts established.
Association of ADFAS, Strategic Plan 2020-2026, Version 2.05 (PFarr, 23Oct2020) 4