Page 23 - Microsoft Word - The Way of the Warrior
P. 23
R. W. Hamm Jr.
A great warrior knows all eyes follow his movements, all ears listen to his words and all
judge him by his actions.
Becoming a great warrior begins with listening.
You must talk and listen to the frontline soldiers to sometimes learn the truth of what
actually happened during the battle.
The warrior is a person of honor.
Decisions made before battle by only listening to what is being said in the left ear runs
the danger of not being the truth.
All great warriors know they did not win the battle alone.
The warrior who defends and stands up for those unable to do so for themselves gains
respect from all.
A great warrior must possess the technical, conceptual and interpersonal skills to be an
effective leader.
The sign of true leadership is displayed by the number of those who will voluntarily fol-
low a warrior into battle against overwhelming odds.
A great warrior listens to and is aware of all that surrounds him.
The focused warrior never loses sight of the objective.
A wise warrior will request the counsel of others and listen, before committing the tribe
to battle.
A wise warrior knows that a well-trained army has the greater chance for victory.
A wise chief knows that members of the scouting party must be given specific and clear
directions to understand what is expected of them.
A great warrior will show concern and compassion for the safety and wellbeing of tribal
Leadership is the nucleus of an organization.
A wise chief delegates responsibility so that he can always see the big picture and not
be consumed by an individual project.