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                           AS YOU STEP INTO YOUR WISE WOMAN

                   If you’re an experienced woman who is feeling frustrated, over it, bored, or
                   maybe even invisible or empty on the inside, AND you’re longing for a LOT more
                   satisfaction, self-expression and fulfilment in life, then you may need to drop
                   these seven outdated roles that no longer serve you.

                   Dropping these roles that you’ve outgrown, enables you to rise up as the WISE
                   WOMAN you are, to live a richer and more fulfilling life, full of divine self

                   1. FROM MARTYR TO BELOVED.

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                   Drop the Martyr. Own your Worth. Become your
                   own Beloved.

                   Have you done it too? Loved others at your own
                   expense? There was a time in the past when
                   martyrdom was glorified, and you may well
                   have felt it. Role models like Joan of Arc, or
                   even the archetype of the All Sacrificing Mother
                   were esteemed by women, and by men too.

                   It was almost like if you didn’t give
                   EVERYTHING, or do EVERYTHING, for your own children or others, you were
                   deemed selfish and unloving. Or even worse: If you weren’t SUFFERING as proof
                   of your love, then it wasn’t really enough. You still had more to give, because
                   you weren’t dead yet.

                   This came at a great cost to women like you taking good care of yourself,
                   valuing yourself and even loving yourself.

                   But the tide is turning, and now it’s time for you to step into outstanding self-care
                   and self-love (even though this will FEEL selfish because of all of your social

                   Now it’s time to love others while also loving yourself, rather than doing it at your
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