Page 7 - katty book
P. 7

Lucky me, I made the time to connect to my values and was surprised at what
                   came out when I began with a TRUE BLANK SLATE and took the time to go inside
                   myself and truly look at what I valued. It was things like:

                   Clean unadulterated water.
                   Organic food.
                   Clean air, free of chemicals.
                   Authentically connected honest relationships.
                   And a few more…

                   I was surprised that one of my values was clean water. Who knew clean water
                   was a value?
                   And when YOU take the time to look within YOUR own self for what YOU value
                   and allow these to be the principles by which you live, WATCH OUT, because life
                   suddenly becomes very meaningful, and your choices very purposeful.

                   But isn’t that what you are longing for?

                   And even though a values-based life may not always be easy, may stretch you
                   out of your comfort zone, and have you hurdling fear barriers higher than Mount
                   Everest, you know you want the satisfaction of your life mattering, having deep
                   value, growing you, challenging you, refining you, and actually being what you
                   came here for. (Cheeky knowing smile).

                   5. FROM RESCUER TO MATRIARCH.

                   Drop the Super Nurturing, Smother
                   Mothering and
                   Helicopter Hovering and become the
                   grounded Matriarch.

                   We all know YOU’RE NOT A SEAFOOD

                   So it’s time to stop giving everyone all of your fish, and empower them with a rod
                   and a fishing lesson instead.

                   Your amazing empathy and love for others has had you doing way too much,
                   wearing YOU out, and using up all of your precious free time while
                   disempowering those around you that you actually mean to help.
                   I know it FEELS loving, but the sad REALITY is that it isn’t. Let’s face it, we only
                   needed that much help when we were very little and couldn’t do stuff for
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