Page 9 - katty book
P. 9
“I’m not sure yet, and I don’t know when I will be, so if you DO need an answer
right now, then I have to say no, because I can’t be sure yet that it’s a yes”.
I know… I make it sound easy right? And did you notice the absence of the word
“sorry”? Remember you don’t have to apologise for saying “No”.
But I bet you have felt that social pressure that exists between women. The
unspoken pressure to look like you are always doing something “worthwhile”, and
you are probably really familiar with the guilt that washes over you when you
take a few moments, or God forbid, a whole day (GASP!), to rest and replenish
or do what you need to do, to restore yourself.
Does your inner critic call you “LAZY”?
Well Lazy Pants, it’s time to practice conscious lazing…. so get ready to
embrace yourself, and your basic human need for balance. It’s time to revive
Once you have connected to your values, and allowed them to guide what you
will spend your precious time and genius talents on, it’s time to say goodbye to
everything else. Schedule what matters, and schedule in your down time, rest, or
anything that replenishes you (like your hobbies and things you LOVE DOING). Put
it all your diary and when some calls for that “small favour” you will see there is
no space in your schedule to say yes (Sorry Not Sorry).
Now, because I am a woman too, I know that this is how this one is going to roll
for a while:
“Feel the GUILT and do it anyway”.
(“IT” being “nothing”, or your OWN thing that is right for you).
Don’t wait for your guilt to go away doesn’t work that way. Get focussed
on your values, on what really matters to you, include enough time for rest and
rejuvenation. Schedule it all, and do not compromise on your own self-care
Wise Women are not overwrought bedraggled stretched too thin, overworked,
about to snap, martyrs. Remember we are slaying all that aren’t we Lady Lazy
Pants? And you need to be well rested to fulfil your heart’s purpose. (Smiley
winkey face).