Page 10 - katty book
P. 10
“I am woman hear me roar in
numbers too big to ignore”.
Life advice from a power
anthem? Why not?
If you were to compare the
number of times you did life like
a Timid Mouse compared with
a Roaring Lioness, which side
would you come out on?
If it’s the cutie mouse side, how does that feel reflecting on that now? Do any
feelings of regret rise to the surface as you think about it?
And what does it mean for you to be the Roaring Lioness? It doesn’t have to be
about anger by the way (though it might be sometimes) but it IS about being
assertive, stepping into your courage and taking action, EVEN WHEN you feel
scared. It’s about being strong, pro-active, speaking with your authentic voice,
and stepping into the powerful version of you, that knows you are capable of so
much more than you have allowed yourself to do or be so far, and who will do
what it takes to fulfil your purpose at this time in your life.
Remember, it’s never too late to claim the rest of your life as your own, and step
into your own SOVEREIGNTY over yourself, your body, and your life.
Of course, it’s easier to do life by our values and purpose when we don’t feel
scared. But sometimes we are required to step up and do what’s NEEDED,
whether we FEEL like it or not, whether we feel READY or not, and especially even
though we feel SCARED.
WISE WOMEN do what is required for the good of themselves and the whole, Like
a Roaring Lioness, a Wise Woman does not hold back her truth, or her path, for
the sake of accommodating others who, let’s face it, don’t really care a TWAT for
HER, or HER PATH, or who may disapprove.
She follows her inner guidance regardless...quite regally actually.
Is it time you were Sovereign Queen of your own destiny?
Is it time to fully embody YOUR power, strength and agency?