Page 5 - katty book
P. 5

False humility for women has been popular in your lifetime, to the point that you
                   were seen as arrogant if you told the truth about your gifts, talents and
                   achievements right?

                   You know that singing your own WELL DESERVED praise could backfire on you
                   socially. It’s not seen as the thing to do to toot your own trumpet.

                   On top of that, being REALLY GREAT AT SOMETHING, or even MOST THINGS
                   (...there… I said it!...), could be seen as a threat by other jealous, bitter people.
                   It’s happened before where you’ve stepped up and tall poppy syndrome has
                   kicked you back down with criticism, shaming and being gently admonished for
                   being slightly full of yourself.

                   So you learned early on to not shine too brightly, or be too beautiful, and
                   DEFINITELY to not be BOTH smart and beautiful (because what an awful world it
                   would be if women were both beautiful and clever right?)

                   Oh and MOST IMPORTANTLY you were taught to not shine too brightly around
                   MEN, or think you could do things that THEY could do, (or even if you could do
                   them “a bit”, you could never do them as WELL as a man could)… right?

                   Hands up if you ever dumbed yourself down for the sake of others? I know I did.

                   I was once even told that my goodness and ethics made other people feel
                   ashamed of themselves which brought on the really confusing moral dilemma
                   of how to be LESS ethical for sake of others… screwy stuff hey?

                   Well… it’s time to take stock, get REALLY honest with yourself and then to let
                   others see the wonderful aspects of who you really are! Life is too short for false
                   modesty, fearing the tall poppy attack or being anything less than how fabulous
                   you are.

                   Believe me, it feels good to drop this self-effacing role, come out of hiding, tell
                   the truth about your abilities, gifts, talents and goodness, and shine your
                   beautiful brilliance and love all over the place.

                   You stepping up and shining brighter gives others the confidence to do the
                   same. So get out your personality polishing cloth dear woman, it’s your time to
                   sparkle like the A grade diamond that you are! (Bright dazzling smile).
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