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P. 13
                                                                                 1108 Fitzgerald Avenue
                                                                                San Francisco, CA 94124

                 Vanessa S. Lee
                 Clerk of the Commission

                 Over fifteen years of experience providing high level support to executive staff as well as
                 local, state and federally elected officials. A highly skilled, administrative professional with
                 a proven track record of facilitation and coordination with large scale local and regional
                 organizations. An integral player in the management and strengthening of several
                 administrative support departments.

                 ||Professional Experience||

                 Alameda County Transportation Commission
                 Clerk of the Commission
                 Act as the agency clerk for a twenty-two member Commission comprised of high-profile,
                 elected officials representing all jurisdictions in  Alameda County as well as  the multi-
                 county boards of Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) and  Alameda- Contra Costa Transit
                 District (AC Transit). Typical duties include:

                        Successfully facilitate over  60 regular and standing Board of  Commissioners
                         meetings in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, ensuring all official public
                         notifications, agendas,  minutes, ordinances, and resolutions are in compliance
                         with any applicable local, state and federal mandates.
                        Manager of two members of an administrative consulting team, fostering positive
                         work environments by resolving internal complaints, assisting with team building,
                         and providing team trainings.
                        Oversee the operations of the Commission-wide records management program
                        Regularly audit and monitor record retention  to ensure  legal compliance  with
                         agency  record  retention and disposition schedules as well as  compliance with
                         the Secretary of State guidelines for record management.
                        Review, monitor and comply with legal requests for records in compliance with
                         the  Public  Records  Act as well as agency approved public records request
                         policies and procedures.
                        Assist in the development and monitoring of a department  wide  budget
                         including monitoring of expenses related to travel, security, meeting logistics and
                         data management.
                        Manage the appointment terms and annual election process of members of the
                        Exercise a high degree  of independent judgment and discretion dealing with
                         work that involves frequent and demanding personal contact with the public
                         and officials of governmental agencies.
                        Provide executive level administrative support and  represent the Executive
                         Director  in a liaison capacity to  elected  officials  as  well  as  local  and  state

                 San Francisco Housing Authority
                 Clerk of the Commission/ Executive Secretary
                 1/2008- 6/2011
                 Performed sensitive, highly complex administrative  support for the Executive Director,
                 Board of Commissioners,  Office of the Ombudsman and Communications and other
                 department administrators.
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