Page 5 - Proposal Template
P. 5

                  All candidates are afforded the full opportunity to submit applications in
                  response to each opening and are never discriminated against.

                                                     K&A Recruiting embraces diversity and inclu-
                                                     sion, which gives us a comprehensive advan-

                                                     tage when building modern and effective candi-
                                                     date pools.

                                                     We are building data models, understanding trends,
                                                     and to developing a bigger picture understanding of
                                                     the unique candidate markets we we work in.

                    Our 35-years of experience successfully   Point-Factor analsysis   Placing Women and Minority Candidates for  Visually-
                    placing women and minority candidates   prvides a full and well-                Tools, Col-
                    in many of our recruitments has made us   informed picture of                   laborative
                    experts.                          each candidate.        35-years               Process.

                                                                     VAST POOL              SOURCING &
                                                                     OF RESOURCES           ADVERTISING
                                                                     Network of Diverse     Modern Tools &
                                                                     Professionals          Techniques
                                                                                            We tailor our outreach
                                                                     Being a State-registered
                                                                     small business, our firm   according to the specifics
                                                                     has a vast pool of resourc-  of the opportunity using
                                                                     es at our fingertips when   a variety of sourcing
                                                                     designing a successful   strategies across different
                                                                     advertising campaign.    social media sites, and
                                                                                            across the web.
                                                                     These include a network
                       Visit our website                             of diverse profession-  In addition, we have
                                                                                            worked with clients who
                       To learn more about us, please visit:         als from whom we can   value diversity and have
                        request referrals, and a   requested specific job
                       ment/                                         pool of candidates from
                                                                     prior recruitments.    boards, for which we have
                                                                                            a library of resources.
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