Page 9 - Proposal Template
P. 9
Sample A professionally designed recruit-
ment brochure will be prepared and
ad list presented to your team for review
prior to advertising.
The Final Ad List Will Be Worked On In Colloboration With Your
Team During Launch.
Website Live Ad Link
Careers in Government
Jobs Available
Western City Magazine
Nationla Association of Housing and Redevelopment Offi-
cials (NAHRO)
Koff & Associates website
Sacramento Regional Builders Exchange
The Bay Area Builders Exchange Our well-structured and contemporary pro-
cess ensures thorough, thoughtful and strate-
gic sourcing, evaluation, selection and vetting
California Building Officials of applicants who fit your requirements.
Modern, visually-friendly design.
Half of K&A Recruiting’s ability to grow diverse and effec-
tive candidate pools candidate pool is by menas of modern
sourcing techniques that enable identification and tarrgeting
of individuals relevant to the position.