Page 168 - TRWRR 6-8-2017_Neat
P. 168
The Red Well-Read Reader
Story 293
Morse Code
The source of this dis•cov•er•y occurred when Mrs. Morse threatened
her husband with divorce. She took their one horse and moved to the
opposite end of a golf course, surrounded by a thicket of coarse
brambles and gorse.
At first Samuel planned to take her back by force, but he soon
realized it was the wrong course. Wanting so much to discourse, he
yelled her name 'til he was hoarse. So, perforce, laying down a wire
was his only recourse.
Story 294
If a boy has a sweetheart whom he would like to court, there are many
things to do of the outdoor sort which will keep his money from running
He may visit an Army fort or perhaps an airport. He may visit a
seaport to watch ships that transport exports and imports.
But for most things, an escort needs his dad's support.