Page 166 - TRWRR 6-8-2017_Neat
P. 166
The Red Well-Read Reader
Story 289
A Sale No One Ignored
When wood dropped to $40 a cord, it was a price everyone could easily afford.
A horde of people came from every ward. Some ferried across a fijord. Others
hopped aboard boats and oared. Everyone wanted as much as he could pos•si•bly
hoard. However, woodsman McCord was able to accord each person just one cord.
Still all thanked the Lord and sang a joyous chord.
Story 290
The Settlers of New York
Most sailed on ships, but some floated on corks, and others were carried by long-
winged storks.
Most came as farmers with a ready pitchfork, having plans to raise pigs for pork.
Yes, this is how it was for Mork, O'Rourke, and for all those
other Yorkers and Corkers who became our first New Yorkers.