Page 162 - TRWRR 6-8-2017_Neat
P. 162
The Red Well-Read Reader
Story 279
Laziness Is Hard to Surmount
The Count cannot count to a very high amount. In fact, he cannot even
count the ducks in his fount. He cannot keep ac•count of the papers
he stacks in a big mount. His horse he can't even mount or dis•mount.
Things that happened as re•cent•ly as yesterday he often can't
Yet he defends himself, saying, "Other things are more par•a•mount.
And besides, I have my servants on whom to count, 1-2-3-4 . . . ."
Story 280
Nouns, Etc.
An ad•jec•tive is a de•scrip•tive word like the color brown, or
upside down.
A verb is an action word – as in the swimmer may drown, or
the teacher may frown.
An adverb mod•i•fies a verb or another adverb: rain is falling
down; she is growing round.
A pronoun (such as who, where, which, what, this, that, these,
those, his, hers, etc.) takes the place of a noun.
And a noun may be a person, a clown; a place, a town; or a thing
like a king's crown, or an evening gown, or a goose's down.