Page 161 - TRWRR 6-8-2017_Neat
P. 161
The Red Well-Read Reader
Story 276
Be Proud
Your honor should not have a cloud
When wrapped in a burial shroud
Now is the time to stand out from the crowd
Now is the time to make your parents proud
And now is the time to make angels sing aloud
Story 277
A Thorough Trouncing
On the rat the cat pounced
She shook the ro•dent with a flounce
Up . . . down – it did bounce
It was a tough and thorough trounce
Soon its strength ebbed to the last ounce
As "Chow" the cat was heard announce
Story 278
A Gold Pound
Walking with her hound on the beach of the Sound, a young girl found a gold
pound in a sand mound.
She asked herself: "Was there a hidden reef around on which a ship had run
a•ground? To whom would this wealth re•dound ? Would talking about it be
un•sound ?"
Her mind was con•founded, her con•science, hounded. So de•ci•ding to make the
state as dum•founded as she was as•tounded, she told how it lay in•grounded.