Page 170 - TRWRR 6-8-2017_Neat
P. 170
The Red Well-Read Reader
Story 297
Joyce was the choir's choice
To sing solo in her sweet so•pra•no voice –
And she sang so sweetly that her hymn
Made the cher•u•bim
In heaven . . .
Story 298
Not to Be Foiled
Thanksgiving dinner was a thankless toil. The
potatoes had to be cleaned of soil, the turkey
wrapped in a•lu•mi•num foil, the salad mixed
with vinegar and olive oil, and the gobbler put
into the oven to broil.
Minutes after Miss Doyle put the potatoes in water to
boil, we discovered that our dinner plans would spoil
because her oven had a broken heating coil.
Nevertheless, not a single guest minded the turmoil
nor was the least bit roiled, for we all went to
McDonald's and ate McChicken sandwiches royal.