Page 24 - C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\My Documents\Work On Wordsvol1 2017.docx
P. 24

Exercise 18

                                               dap        clap       chap        cap        flap

                                                  to applaud __________

                                                  headgear __________

                              to dip down & bob up (as sailboats in rough seas) __________

                              a fold or a leaf of a table __________

                              a fellow __________

                                           lap        gap         nap       map

                      a road guide __________                            snooze, doze __________

                    space between __________                              once around __________

                    any downy or hairy coating (such as on some plants) __________

                                             sap      pap       slap      rap

            to hit with open hand __________                              to knock __________

              baby food, pablum __________                                 a sucker __________

                                          fluid from a tree__________

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