Page 27 - C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\My Documents\Work On Wordsvol1 2017.docx
P. 27

sass      pass     Mass  mass           gas

                               throw __________                 a church service __________

                               petroleum __________  to go ahead __________

                               backtalk __________              large amount, quantity __________

          Exercise 22

                                         brash       bash       crash        ash

                         cinders __________                           a kind of tree__________

                                                a collision __________

                    brazen or bold __________                          to knock in__________

                                               a big party __________

                                       dash         flash         cash        clash

                                             paper money __________

                                        to sprint or run fast __________

                     to appear briefly __________                          a conflict __________

                                ruined, destroyed (such as hopes) __________

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