Page 28 - C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\My Documents\Work On Wordsvol1 2017.docx
P. 28

smash          rash          slash

                            without forethought; hasty or headlong __________

                           cut __________                           skin irritation __________

                                         bash, crush, squash __________

                                       Nash         stash         sash         lash

           to hide things (like loot) __________                          to whip __________

           framework of a window __________                       a make of an old car __________

                   a band worn around the waist or over the shoulder __________

                                   trash        thrash        gash               cache

               garbage or refuse __________                          to beat soundly __________

                               storage place of goods or weapons __________

                                             a rip or tear __________

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