Page 26 - C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\My Documents\Work On Wordsvol1 2017.docx
P. 26

Exercise 20

                                       apt              rapt                wrapped

                         covered or packaged __________                   likely __________

                        carried away or engrossed as though in a dream __________

                                         quick to learn __________

           Exercise 21

                                    class  brass         ass      bass

                         donkey __________

                         a kind of metal __________

                         a fish __________

                         group of students __________

                         a group of musical instruments __________

                         military leaders or higher-ups __________

                 lass       glass      crass       grass

               a young girl __________               lawn __________

               a window pane __________  a drinking vessel __________

               gross, vulgar, uncouth, crude; not classy nor cultured __________

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