Page 101 - Batari School Digital Yearbook 2021
P. 101

Hesekiel                                                                                                                                           Shafira

        I actually like online learning than offline                             Faith
        learning. It is relaxing and no body can                                                                                                         My experience studying online at
        disturb us. But when the online learning it is                         I like online learning because I                                          home is very enjoyable. We use a
        so hard to understand what the teacher
        talking abaout and when our the conection                              can stay at home and change my                                            selection of media for learning,
        is bad it is so hard to join the zoom.                                 uniform into my normal and                                                such as Google Classroom.

                                                                               much more comfortable clothes
                                                                               whrn it’s break time

            Jose                                                                  I actually like online learning more than offline.

                                                                                  It is more relaxing, more comfortable and we                            Titah
        I like it, because when online learning experience                        can do whatever we want since it’s our home.
        during covid-19 we are using Google Classroom                             Though, it might be hard for us to understand
        everyday because our teacher gave some learnings                          the lesson sometimes. It may be because of
        them. I want to join zoom everyday because will                           connection and other reasons. So it’s more                                             Nothing
        know that.                                                                efficient for us to study offline.


                                                                            i can know a lot of new application


         I hate online learning and also kind of like it. I hate
         it because the homework and the school work is
         harder then tha normal one. Ilike it because I got to
         learn more about applications.
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