Page 102 - Batari School Digital Yearbook 2021
P. 102

Chelsea                                                                                                                                           Kanaya

                                                                                 Alden                                                                    To be honest, I like it very much. We could get up later
       I hate doing online learning. If I have online                                                                                                     than usual. In usual school, we need to wake up at about
       learning I will be too lazy to study. If it is at                    I like it because I do not need                                               6.00 am because we need to arrive at school at 7.30 am.
       school, I will focus more on studying.                                                                                                             But, during this online school, we could wake up at 6.30
                                                                            to go to school and the                                                       am because we need to do morning check in from 7.50
                                                                            homework is not that much if I                                                am - 8.00 am and attend zoom on 8.15 am.

                                                                            do it faster.


                                                                                   I like it because I can sleep longer because                              Malvino

        I like it a little bit, because when we have our test,                     in online learning we start the class at 8
        we can cheat from google. But why did nobody                               but before online learning I arrive at
        notice this? Maybe it was because I reduced the                            school at 6.30, also in the online classwe
        brightness of my laptop.                                                   study at our home and can immediately                                             Yes, I like it.
                                                                                   rest after the class.


                                                                                  I do not like to do homework but if i

                 Erick                                                           don’t do it, I willbe stress and                                                    Metami
                                                                                 angried by the teacher.

                                                                                                                                                            I don’t have any experience during covid 19 online
         I kinda have a love-hate relationship with it. I think                                                                                             learning, its flat and boring
         because of the whole zoom thing, it just makes my
         relationship with my classmates really awkward
         because we don’t talk to each other a lot. But in
         normal school, we can barely talk to each other but
         it feels easier to pitch in ideas in

                            Michael                                                                                         M. Labib

                             I like it because we don’t have                                                                  I don’t like it because I’m bored at

                             much homework and the                                                                            home
                             deficiency is that I can't play with

                             my friend.
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