Page 104 - Batari School Digital Yearbook 2021
P. 104

Darshanjeet                                                                                                                                            Gianna


    I don’t really like online learning.                                                                                                                 No, because we have many task to do.

                                                                                              HATE IT


                                                                                   Personally, I hate it more than I enjoy it.                                Gorchi

        I don’t hate online school but I don’t also like online school.I           My experience in online learning is not
        hate online school because I can’t meet my friends and teachers            very pleasing and I’m not satisfied with
        and study with them directly like how to normally do it in offline         the lack of works I need to do. Also, I feel
        school.But I like online school because I don’t need to get ready
        early in the morning and after we are done with all of our                 we are studying a lot less then we used                              I like it.Because i don't feel bored and tired
        classes I can just directly do what I wanted to do at home and             to.
        sleep without waiting for someone to send me home first.


                                                                                 I lovee online learning if you ask me would you
                                                                                 go to school or home learning? I would definitely
                 Fiona                                                           choose online learning cause if at school you                                       Haeziel
                                                                                 can’t use your phone if at online learning you can
                                                                                 use it all the time.So I lovee online learning.
                                                                                                                                                             I don’t really like online learning during Covid-19
         I don’t like online learning because I                                                                                                             because it’s boring we can’t meet friend and
         usually finish my tasks quick and never                                                                                                            playing with them . And doing homework is more
         have homework(before online)but now I                                                                                                              hard cause sometimes it’s really hard to
         do.I’m now sad.#depressed.I hope we can                                                                                                            understand then school before Covid-19.
         go back to offline school so I won’t have
         tasks to do when I’m home.

                             Jessica                                                                                          Kenzo

                             I hate online learning, its sometime quite hard to                                               Well, I don't really hate it, and I
                             take a good photo of my task and send it,
                             sometimes when my connection bad it will be hard                                                 don't really like it either, it had
                             for me to hear my teacher. I also feel bored staying                                             some up and downs but yeah, i
                             at home, I really miss my school, my teachers and
                             friends.                                                                                         mostly like it
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