Page 106 - Batari School Digital Yearbook 2021
P. 106

Dimas                                                                                                                                           Yovann

         My experience during this pandemic is
         like hmm....... boring? I don't know what                                                                                                       My eyesight is getting worse
         to do in my house except joining online                                  My experience during the                                               because I have to stare at
         school.                                                                  COVID-19 Pandemic is like                                              computer screen during zoom.
                                                                                  uhh….. feel like nothin’ when

                                                                                  stay home.


                                                                                   My experience during covid-19 is                                          Royston
                                                                                   hard cause of the lag or internet.
                    It’s so boring.                                                so yeah it is pretty hard.                                               I like online school because we

                                                                                                                                                            can wake up later than offline



                                                                                 At this pandemic i don't really like the

                Kezia                                                            online learning because sometimes my                                                Keynio
                                                                                 zoom will be laggy and it's more fun if we
                                                                                 learn at school/ offline :/ ( i guess most
                                                                                 student agree UwU )                                                        My experience during this
         1.My experience during this pandemic is
         that I always feel bored and sometimes it                                                                                                          pandemic is not really bad, I can
         is nice and always trying to find a new                                                                                                            stay at home with my family more
         hobby.                                                                                                                                             often.

                             Angela                                                                                            Melly

                             During this online learning i                                                                    I hate online school because I
                             become bored. I become lazy to do                                                                have to open camera during

                             my tasks and also it and i become                                                                zoom

                             dizzy because playing phone all
                             time :v
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