Page 388 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 388
Internal Control Plan
Annex E –Samples of Internal Control Questionnaires for Monitoring
General Environment
Question YES NO Comments
1. Are there written policies and internal operating
procedures that have been approved by the governing
body or senior management?
2. Does the Co-op have a code of ethical conduct that has
been made available to all employees?
3. Are procedures documented, kept current and readily
available for daily use by all employees?
4. Are roles and responsibilities clearly defined in writing
and communicated?
5. Does management understand the knowledge and
skills required to accomplish key tasks?
6. Is management involved in and actively encourages
7. Does management use budgets or spending plans to
review the Co-op’s financial performance?
Mutual Confidentiality Agreement and Rules of Engagement (MCA/ROE): Details the relationship
with DineEquity, including Confidentiality and ownership of specifications/formulations.
DineEquity requires this form be signed as a condition of doing business with Applebee’s or IHOP.
This is an evergreen document that, once signed and executed, needs no further attention, unless
otherwise noted. CSCS is responsible for execution and management of this document.
Supplier Services Agreement (SSA): This is required for all suppliers to do business with
DineEquity via CSCS. It outlines the rules of engagement between the supplier and CSCS. This is
an evergreen agreement unless CSCS elects at some future point to execute a material change to
the language. Services providers doing business directly with the Co-op are excluded; i.e., HAVI
Solutions, Benefits providers, third party accounting, consultants, etc.
Supplier Services Agreement Addendum (SSA Addendum) & “Exhibit 1” to the SSA Addendum:
These documents highlight specifics related to the items CSCS authorizes our designated buyer’s
to procure and in turn sell to either an Applebee’s or IHOP restaurants, or both. The PDS has three
pages; 1) supplier and product information; 2) Applebee’s distribution network and freight
information; and 3) IHOP distribution network and freight information. This relates more
specifically to products, price, as well as other business terms.
COI - Supplier Services Agreement Insurance Addendum (Insurance Addendum): Details the
insurance requirements between suppliers and CSCS.
Centralized Supply Chain Services, LLC. Page 15