Page 391 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
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Internal Control Plan

               Annex F: Control Environment – Company Meetings
               Updated on February 19, 2016

                Meeting Name              Objective(s)               Frequency    Attendees
                                          Meeting w/Applebee's Ops and Culinary to
                "Kitchen of the Future"                              Bi-Weekly    Equipment Category Manager
                                          discuss equipment specs and design
                                          Propose alternate specifications to the
                Alternate Specification Review                       Every other week  Kevin, Mary, Chris, QA, Strat Ops, MDI
                                          Review alternate specifications proposals
                Alternate Specification Review - Prep                Every other week  Kevin, Mary, Chris, QA
                                          prior to going to the Brand
                                          Review cost savings ideas.  Determine
                Applebee's Spec Change prep meeting  what will be shown at upcoming Food   Every two weeks  Chris McNutt, Mary, Kevin and Melanie
                                          Shows with Mike Archer                  Byler
                                          Group meeting to discuss project status
                Applebee's Spec Change work session  and determine next product to be shown   Every two weeks  Applebee's marketing, operations, QA,
                                          to Mike Archer                          MDI, CSCS (Mary, Chris, and Kevin)
                                          Discuss beef projects, issues and
                Beef Triad                opportunities, strengthen relationship   Weekly  QA, MDI, Kevin and Shannon
                                          with QA and MDI
                Category Manager Round Table Meetings Review any changes in processes  Bi-Weekly  CMs & Directors
                Category Managers Meeting  Open Agenda - led by Mark Smith  Monthly  Mark Smith - all CMs and Directors
                                          Review data connectivity, data          HAVI Account Rep. and data team
                CSCS Weekly Call (HAVI/CSCS)  management, enhancements request and   Weekly  members, Director of Program
                                          issue tracking and status               Management, Business Analyst
                                          Provide direction and support for
                Disaster Response Team    restaurants affected by weather-related   Daily as needed   Karen
                                                                     during crisis period
                Food Show                 Program Initiation         As Required  CSCS BPM team
                Forecasting               Forecasting, demand planning  Weekly    QA, BPM, Strat Ops
                                          Discuss all cost savings projects - in
                IHOP Cost Containment conference call                Every three weeks From CSCS-Mary, and Kevin
                                          process and in development
                IHOP Non-Food Project Meeting  Review all Non-Food projects  Bi-Weekly  Non-Food Procurement, IHOP Ops
                                          Review CRNs, upcoming promotions,
                IM/CM Meeting             tests, obsolete inventory, communicate   Weekly  Brand Management/CM
                                          updates from Pipeline
                                                                                  Strategic Operations, Marketing, Finance,
                                          Review CRNs, upcoming promotions,
                Implementation                                       Weekly       Training, MDI, QA, Field Marketing
                                          tests, and obsolete inventory
                                                                                  (management level)
                Produce Staff Meeting     Update and report on projects  Weekly   Paul, Michelle, and Blythe
                                          Update and report on projects and
                Logistics Staff Meeting                              Monthly      Paul,  Kristen,, Karen
                Mark Smith - Direct Report Meeting  Open Agenda - submitted prior to meeting Monthly  Mark, Mary, and Kevin
                                          Discuss protein projects, issues and
                Model Review Meeting      opportunities, strengthen relationship   Weekly  QA, MDI, Kevin, Candice
                                          with QA and MDI
                                          Meet to update company on progress of
                Monthly All Team Meetings (MAT)  KPI's, information sharing, recognition,   Monthly  CSCS All Associates
                                          and team building
                                                                                  Finance, Accounting, Pipeline, Chris,
                Obsolescence Review       Potential obsolescence exposure  Monthly

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