Page 392 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 392
Internal Control Plan
Meeting Name Objective(s) Frequency Attendees
One on One Meetings w/Category Review upcoming contracts, contracts in
Managers process, and CIRs other projects Weekly Directors with Category Manager's
One on One Meetings w/Admin Team Review current and future projects, Weekly CFO with Admin Team Members and
Members update statuses Supervisors with Team members
One on One Meetings w/Inventory Review all current and future projects,
Managers update statuses Weekly Brand Managers with Inventory Managers
Review CRNs, upcoming promotions, Strategic Operations, Marketing, Finance,
Pipeline Weekly
tests, and obsolete inventory Training, MDI (leadership)
Discuss pork projects, issues and
Pork Triad opportunities, strengthen relationship Weekly QA, MDI, Kevin, and Shannon
with QA and MDI
Discuss poultry projects, issues and
Poultry Triad opportunities, strengthen relationship Weekly QA, MDI, Kevin, and Jeremy
with QA and MDI
CMs / Directors, Mike Leikam, Mark
PRC contract updates, RFP updates Weekly
Smith. Only attend when required
CMs / Directors, Mark Smith. Only attend
PRC prep contract updates, RFP updates Weekly
when required
Review CRNs, upcoming promotions,
Pre-Pipeline / Team Meeting tests, obsolete inventory, process Weekly Brand Management (Applebee's)
improvement, team needs
Review upcoming contracts, contracts in
Project Review Committee (PRC) Weekly CEO, CPO, Category Managers & Directors
process, and CIRs
Broad based meeting - Issues and
opportunities, inform the team on Senior Kevin, Candice, Nicole, Shannon and
Protein Team Meeting Weekly
Management directives, strengthen the Jeremy
overall team
Product reviews - test product and All CMs - can be selective - only attend
QA Triad Weekly
culinary review of current products when your products are being reviewed
Meeting w/Brand's Architecture/Design FF&E Team and Architectural/Design
Remodel Update Meeting Quarterly
groups to discuss any issues or changes Department
SKU Reduction Review potential SKU deletions Monthly Menu Strategy, Robert, Chris
Pre-meeting for Brand Management to
Spec Change Prep Meeting Bi-Weekly Directors & Chris McNutt
discuss cost opportunities w/Apple Brand
Review any proposed changes from
SSA & SSA-A's Review Meeting Weekly Non-Food Procurement Team
suppliers on SSA and track progress
Meet with suppliers to discuss current
Supplier Meetings Regularly Procurement Team
business and/or future business
Centralized Supply Chain Services, LLC. Page 19