Page 397 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 397

R10-Penalty for non-compliance with regulatory   C32-Segregation of duties - tax returns are prepared by third party
 Other   requirements  and signed by CAO. Third party insurance agent is notified if
 Administration   BP 65  Corporate Taxes  Administration  R18-2-Monetary loss  R9  premiums are not paid and they would, in turn, notify CAO.  Periodic  Preventive  P1  Independent third parties provide
                                            services and segregation of duties
 R11-Fraudulent activities which are subject of public   C40-Annual audit by third party
 scrutiny and investigation
                            Control Characteristics
 Business Process   BP ID  Business Process Name  CSCS   Primary Risk(s)  Secondary   Control Activity(ies)  Control Frequency   Control   Primary 1-Critical Control (P1)
                                            Evidence of Control
 Category  Business Unit  Risk(s)  (continuous, daily,   Primary 2-Significant Control (P2)
                     monthly, periodic)  Nature  Secondary (S)
 Hiring New Associate  R22-Leak of confidential information   Periodic  P1
 R10-Penalty for non-compliance with regulatory   CSCS Associate Handbook
 requirements  C30-CSCS Associate Handbook - CSCS human resource policies
 Terminating Associate  Periodic     P1
 and procedures that detail all aspects of employment at CSCS, and   Code of Conduct
 is provided to Associate upon hire (and when revised). Signature by
 Associate acknowledging policies and procedures is required.
                                            Antitrust Compliance
 C29-Code of Conduct
                                            Confidentiality Agreement
 Managing   C27-Confidentiality Agreement
 Human   BP 70  Administration  R9, R11,   Preventive  IT Management Policy
 Resources  R18-2  C28-IT Management Policy  Personnel folders
 Managing Existing Associate's Performance  R6-Unproductive use of human resources or data   C22-Effectively allocating human resources and data resources   Periodic  P2  Documents from Strategic
 resources  through Strategic Planning Process  Planning Process
 C21-Effectively allocating human resources through Key   Key Performance Indicators
                                            (KPIs) for each Associate
 Performance Index with specific organizational, departmental, and
 individual goals.
                                            Federal/State Law Postings
                                            Confidential data are protected
 C33 (A)-All hard copy personnel files are stored in a locked file   physically and electronically
 cabinet in the office of the Controller.   (locked cabinet and People
 HR Data   R22-Leak of confidential information                                                                                                                                                                                                       Manager)
 Management  BP 75  Personnel Files and Related HR Data  Administration  R21-Loss of data  R9, R11  C33 (B)-HR related information is also stored electronically on the   Continuous  Preventive  P1
 Ultipro application with password protection and restricted access.
 HR related forms, company policies and handbooks are available to   User name and password are
                                            required to access the Associate
 Associates on the CSCS secured Associate intranet.
                            Control Characteristics
 Business Process   BP ID  Business Process Name  CSCS   Primary Risk(s)  Secondary   Control Activity(ies)  Control Frequency   Control   Primary 1-Critical Control (P1)                      Evidence of Control
 Category  Business Unit  Risk(s)  (continuous, daily,   Nature  Primary 2-Significant Control (P2)
                     monthly, periodic)  Secondary (S)
 C32-Segregation of duties. On-line access to bank accounts is
 limited to some personnel: CSCS – Controller and CFO; InfoSync –
 Accountants – for reconciliation purposes, payroll and accounts
 payable processes and recording bank activity; On-line Access
 Administrator is the CFO;
 R11-Fraudulent activities which are subject of public   Bank statements and
 BP 80  Bank Account Management  Administration  scrutiny and investigation  R9  C23 & C33 (B)-Secured website by Commerce Bank – Commerce   Periodic  Detective  P2  reconciliation
 issues FOBs with numbers that change every minute that must be
 entered before any wire information can be processed using their on-
 Asset   line banking application in addition to SSL encryption.  FOBs are in
 Management  physical possession of CSCS users listed above. Segregation of
 duties for initiating transfers, approving them and booking journal
 entries and reconciling accounts.
 C33-All laptops are password protected and utilize all virus and   CSCS asset management
 security software per security policies defined by DineEquity since   spreadsheet
 CSCS utilizes their network in each CSCS office.   Preventive
 BP 85  Computers (Laptops or Desktops)  Administration  R22-Leak of confidential information  R9, R18-2  Periodic  P1  Equipment Tags
 Equipment tags are put on all assets for tracking.   Detective
                                            CSCS IT Management Policy
 CSCS IT Management Policy signed by all associates
 C25 & C33 & C38-
 Office 365 (Microsoft Exchange & Office)  Periodic review of third party internal control systems, Data
 Contingency Program, Periodic back up of system data. Data
 centers are protected by strict physical and systems security
 Administration  measures, plus fire suppression and redundant power systems.   SSAE16 SOC 1 and SOC2
 System   R21-Loss of data  R3, R6, R18-  Preventive  Letter of Agreement
 Management  BP 90  HAVI - Web-based Integrated Supply Chain Management   R22-Leak of confidential information  1, R18-2, R19  User Account Management program manages user names and   Continuous  Detective  P1
 passwords for internal and external users of HAVI.
 System                                     Data Retention and Storage
                                            (HAVI and CSCS)
 CSCS website has three partitions – a public-facing external site, a
 secured Members-only site, and a secured Associate intranet site.
 Security is managed by systems support team, with user names and
 Website Management  Administration/P  passwords assigned to each individual.
 C33-(A) Physical Protection of data, (B) Security Protection for
 Administration/   R19-Inaccurate information and data  electronic data.  Confidential data are protected
 Data   Brand   R3, R6, R18-  Preventive    physically and electronically
 Management  BP 95  Data Management  Management/   R21-Loss of data  1, R18-2, R19  C57-CSCS Record Retention and Disposition Schedule  Continuous  Detective  P1  CSCS Record Retention and
 Logistics  R22-Leak of confidential information  Disposition Schedule and Policy
 C58-Data Stewards from all departments
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