Page 482 - Onboarding May 2017
P. 482
⇒ Vendors cannot submit pricing if they have not signed an MCA/ROE. If the
vendor has not signed an MCA/ROE, the SCS will notify the CM and appropriate
Director for escalation.
Test Items
- If a brand item number is needed prior to item details and pricing being available,
the CM can provide the SCS with the brand, item description, pack/size and shelf
life for an item and have a brand item number created in advance of any supplier
pricing submissions.
- If a new item has already been entered into Havi, but then the DC(s) assigned for
the item changes, the BPM can email (with a CC:
to the CM) to request the DC change. The information needed is the brand item
number, the current assigned DC, and the DC to which it should be changed.
- Provided the freight rate is available for the new DC, the SCS will make this
update in Havi. If the freight rate for the new DC is not available, the SCS will
“reply all” on the email and the vendor contact and request that the vendor add
the new freight lane and import it into Havi. The supplier would then need to
import the new freight lane/rate into Havi.
Price/Freight Maintenance
- Pricing needs to be updated periodically for a variety of reasons. Each month,
the SCS team sends a report detailing pricing scheduled to expire the next
month. A vendor or distributor may also submit pricing updates. The Co-op has
adopted a “strike pricing” program that requires pricing and freight to be entered
into Havi by the 20th of each month, to become effective the 1st of the following
month. The vendor should submit/import pricing by the 5 of the month for which
their pricing is due (except commodities). The vendor is alerted via email when
they have pricing due, and the CMs are notified periodically as to the progress of
vendor pricing completion each month.
- The frequency with which a freight rate can be updated (monthly, quarterly, etc.)
is often outlined in the SSA Exhibit. A distributor may request bracket changes at
any time; however, freight rate updates are subject to strike pricing rules as well.
- The Logistics Manager analyzes freight bracket assignments on a quarterly basis
and will request bracket changes as appropriate. The Logistics Manager will
request updates via, copying the CM.
How to approve pricing and freight in Havi
- CM approves pricing and freight in Havi. Havi automatically generates an email
and sends to distributor and vendor when pricing for a vendor is published. To
approve pricing and freight in Havi click here.
Contract Development Process –Category Manager Page 7