Page 484 - Onboarding May 2017
P. 484
Mutual Confidentiality Agreement and Rules of Engagement (MCA/ROE): Details the relationship with
DineEquity, including Confidentiality and ownership of specifications/formulations. DineEquity requires this form
be signed as a condition of doing business with Applebee’s or IHOP. This is an evergreen document that, once
signed and executed, needs no further attention, unless otherwise noted. CSCS is responsible for execution and
management of this document.
Supplier Services Agreement (SSA): This is required for all suppliers to do business with DineEquity via CSCS.
It outlines the rules of engagement between the supplier and CSCS. This is an evergreen agreement unless
CSCS elects at some future point to execute a material change to the language. Services providers doing
business directly with the Co-op are excluded; i.e., Iasta, Arrowstream, Benefits providers, third party accounting,
consultants, etc.
COI - Supplier Services Agreement Insurance Addendum (Insurance Addendum): Details the insurance
requirements between suppliers and CSCS.
Authorization for Inventory Purchase (AIP) – needed for both brands for all NEW product or product associated
with elevated volumes for testing or campaign purposes – executed by Brand Management Teams
CIR – Cost Impact Report
RFP – Request for Proposal
CM – Category Manager
CA – Contract Administrator
SCS – Supply Chain Specialist
PRC Prep – Procurement Review conducted by CPO
PRC – Procurement Review conducted by CEO for all contract over $15M in value or as recommended by CPO
Contract Development Process –Category Manager Page 9