Page 3 - Comparable Market Analysis
P. 3

Comparative Market Analysis                                                    25 January 2019

               Property Details

               97 Richmond Avenue
               Richmond Heights
               PREPARED FOR
               Ms J Manuel
               LAST SOLD
               11 August 2016     $339,500

               DESCRIPTION                                     COMPARABLE SALES RANGE
               This Comparative Market Analysis provides an    $380,000 - $420,000
               estimate of the probable selling price for 97 Richmond
               Avenue, Richmond Heights, Taupo.                MY RECOMMENDATION
                                                               To be discussed
               The estimated selling price is based on other
               properties deemed 'comparable' - either sold or  COMMISSION
               currently for sale in the area – plus supporting market
                                                               $13,110 - $14,260 incl GST

                                                               CAPITAL VALUE        LAND AREA
                                                               $345,000             712 m²

                                                               LAND VALUE           FLOOR AREA
                                                               $140,000             110 m²

                                                               BEDROOMS             BATHROOMS
                                                               3                    1

                                                               CAR SPACES

                                                               AGE OF BUILDING

                                                                          PREPARED BY:
                                                                         B&W Real Estate
                                                                        75 Titiraupenga St
                                                                             Taupo 3330
                                                                          O: 07 378 7668
                                                         Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008
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