Page 38 - iNET magazine.June.2021
P. 38
Marshall: I don’t care what something costs, all I want people to understand that there is a way
I care about is how much it can make me. We for you to win the game that is different from how
spend less time haggling than other people do. you’ve been doing it, and it works.
We will often overpay for something just to save
the time. I don’t think most people get that. They
step over dollars to pick a dime on a regular basis. Brian: I would also imagine on different the most
Just get it done already and move on. successful people are the greatest sales people.
Why do you think a lot of people don’t embrace
Paupers are consistently worried about squeezing Marshall: Most people sell things they don’t
every dollar they have. I keep my checking believe in. And so, they should feel bad about
account balanced by pouring more money into the doing that. When you believe in what you’re
account. selling, you have a moral and ethical obligation to
sell it. And when you don’t believe in what you’re
Brian: I know that Robert Kiyosaki says instead selling, you have a moral and ethical obligation to
of trying to instead of trying to fit your expenses stop selling.
into your budget, just expand your income to meet When you believe in what you’re selling, you don’t
your lifestyle and I know you think that way, too. take it personally if somebody says no to you. In
fact, you feel bad for the other person. You say,
“Gosh, I must be doing you a disservice, clearly
Marshall: Absolutely. there is something I didn’t explain properly,
otherwise you will be all over this because this is
Brian: I would imagine another key difference in your best interest.”
between people who have money and people who Brian: Marshall, thank you so much for being here.
don’t is the way they talk to themselves all the
time, true?
Marshall Sylver is the world’s leading authority
in subconscious reprograming and irresistible
Marshall: Of course! I’ve got three babies, a 10 influence as a world class entertainer. He is the
year old, an 8 year old, and a 6 year old. We have creator of the largest hypnotic production shows
certain agreements in our household. We don’t in the world. He’s headlined top showrooms in Las
say the word “can’t”. But “Don’t know how to” or
“Don’t want to” are perfectly acceptable. Can’t is Vegas, Lake Tahoe, and a lot of other places around
not a word we use. the world.
He is a favorite in the Howard Stern Show and
We don’t say “try”, either we do it or we don’t. appeared and presented five times on David
We don’t say “but”, we say “and”. We have no Letterman even bumped in the famous top ten list.
problems, we have challenges. We have good He is also a highly respected business consultant
attitudes because good attitudes are by choice. sought by Fortune 500 companies. He is also
When we get upset with something, we simply shared the stage with high profile people such as
use our words and declare what we want. And you President Trump, President Clinton and Robert
know, there are so many ways that a millionaire Kiyosaki.
mind operates differently than a pauper’s mind
does. Most people never get to that place where He is the author of the bestselling book Passion,
they step into viewing the world through those Profit and Power, and infomercial of the same
millionaire glasses. And that’s what I want for
people. name sold over a million copies worldwide.