Page 35 - iNET magazine.June.2021
P. 35

Be An



                                                                 By Snehal Singh

                re you seeing your social media feed filled    solutions.”
                with new authors and book launches? Are you    Phase 1 – Preparation
         Awondering if it is worth it to follow that idea of
        writing a book? If so, many are already out there.     Grab a journal or small notebook. Everything in preparation
                                                               is for your eyes only.
        Oh! You are not wrong to have these thoughts. There is just
        so much material out there that it’s only natural to wonder if   Trust me when I say – preparation is the one that takes the
        all the efforts are worth it. The best answer with experience   longest. So, one ingredient you need more than anything
        is “Yes. It is all worth it if done the right way - for the right   here is patience. It is a recipe. Brian Tracy describes it the
        reasons.”                                              best – “The process of writing a book is like a process of
                                                               preparing dinner. Serving dishes, choosing ingredients, and
        Being an author is not just about writing. It is more than that   so on…”
        – it is bigger than who you are.
                                                               • My Why –
        Being an author means being an entrepreneur, too. They
        both go hand in hand. Hence the term – Authorpreneur.  Answering a few questions for oneself is a great place to
        In this article, I offer a step-by-step process of being an
        Authorpreneur. I’ve faced many painful mistakes while   What is my intention? What do I want to achieve through
        writing & publishing books, and I’ve also learned a little bit   getting this book out? How will it impact the lives of my
        about how to be an authorpreneur.                      readers? What makes me want to write?
                                                               • Who is My Reader –
        Every book has a soul, and it will go places, touch hearts,
        and change lives. If this is true, the creator’s purpose of the   o Who is it?
        book matters a lot too.                                        o What do they Like?
        I’ll also reveal some of my mistakes and offer proven book     o What are their Beliefs & Values?
        writing tips. My specialty is nonfiction book writing. That   • 7 Questions - W W W H W H W
        said, you can apply some of the lessons from this guide
        to fiction too. Writing and entrepreneurship mindset are       1. Who are you?
        intertwined, I am going to do my best to make this simple.     2. What have you done so far?
        I am a coach by profession, so let me warn you – this article   3. What problem are you solving by writing this
        is thought-provoking and may make you uncomfortable. If        book?
        it does – it is a good thing – The best things happen out of   4. How are you solving it?
        my comfort zone. It is based on a simple belief – “We all are
        whole and complete and capable of finding our own perfect      5. Why should anyone care about your book?
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