Page 30 - iNET magazine.June.2021
P. 30
That’s the biggest mistake, in my opinion. Align solution to a problem and wanting to help others.
with what you feel your mission is. Once you
understand how to develop a product towards Ace: Yes, I align myself with that. But at the
helping others, not just getting the money, then same time, there’s also this wonderful uniting
you’re creating value in a way where the money feeling that we all have. It’s for us to become
will come to you and work for you. happy and others to become happy too. You don’t
want people suffering like we ever did.
Brian: Wow. How do you help people resolve that
alignment issue? Brian: And then the third question that you asked
addresses the importance of your product solving
Ace: There are three questions to ask yourself a legitimate problem. You’re not creating just to
when you’re creating a product. The first question create like you mentioned.
is, “What is the biggest challenge you overcame
in your life?” The second question is “How did you Ace: Exactly. And I’m an influencer online as
overcome that challenge?” well, but I don’t promote products that just clutter.
I make sure that everything I do has purpose.
Finally, “How does your product help others
overcome that challenge? How is it a tool for Creating value and solving a problem is important
others to overcome that same problem?” Once because a good portion of the time you’re solving
you have that, you’ll know who your audience is, your own problem.
you’ll know who to market to, and you’ll also have Brian: A lot of solutions are born because you
a motivation that comes from within you. figured out how to solve your problems. So, you’re
Brian: I would imagine that identifying the thing creating something to help other people do it, too.
that you overcame the most might involve being Ace: Exactly.
really vulnerable.
Brian: Thank you so much for being here, Ace.
Ace: Yes.
Ace Doligosa is a minority millennial who
Brian: What do you say to people who maybe are
struggling with, “Should I share that or not? What overcame adversity from discrimination, public
will people think of me?” health negligence, immigration challenges, and
financial obstacles. At 8 years old, she had her first
Ace: There is strength in vulnerability. Being thoughts of suicide.
vulnerable isn’t a weakness. And sometimes, we
can get really heady when we’re trying to cover This continued until she was 16 and jer experience
up that part of ourselves. That will block you from is not her source of strength.
your success. Currently, she serves as an influencer, public
So, in order to truly be successful, you have health activist, speaker, author, and owns a
to embrace your emotions, which can be the full production media studio, ARCA Via Inc.,
purifying rejuvenating source you need to start which focuses on social impact projects. She was
what you need to do. recently featured in multiple media including
an international Asian Channel regarding
Brian: And then being willing to tell how you #stopasisanhate.
overcame that is also interesting. One thing I will
add to this is some people use the hero complex.
People don’t always relate to the hero complex. She graduated from St John’s University with a
They relate to you and I not being any different Bachelor’s in Mass Communication Arts and is an
from each other. It’s a matter of figuring out the NBC Universal In Page Program alumnus.