Page 32 - iNET magazine.June.2021
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after Bannister became the first to do it? Was there a   unexpected to happen and still have time to get done a
        sudden growth spurt in human evolution? Was there      few of those bites size pieces.
        a genetic engineering experiment that created a new
        race of super runners? No. What changed was the        Remember, everything counts. What you put your
        mental model. The runners of the past had been held    mind to do, you have whether you do something or
        back by a mindset that said they could not surpass     not. To accomplish great things, we must not only act,
        the four-minute mile. When that limit was broken, the   but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. Just as
        others saw that they could do something they had       Robert Bannister believed on May 6, 1954.
        previously thought impossible.”
                                                               As the great Yogi Berra once said, “I always thought
        Has your mental model of what is achievable stalled?   that record would stand until it was broken.” So, what
        Are you a lifelong learner? Are you consistently       mindset shift do you need to break your four-minute
        adjusting and evolving? We now know this is as         mile? Because if we do not change something we will
        important, or even more important, than spreadsheets   be in the same position next year., “It’s deja vu all over
        and other technical stuff.                             again.”

        In the words of motivational speaker Jim Rohn:           Stuart Gethner RPh was born in Chicago
        “You are the average of the five people you spend        to a family of real estate professionals. His
        the most time with. The people you spend the most        undergraduate degree and graduate degree were
        time with shape who you are. They determine what         in the field of Business and Pharmacology. He
        conversations dominate your attention.”                  moved to Phoenix, Arizona over 30-years ago
                                                                 and as a true entrepreneur, Stuart started three
                                                                 different, very profitable independent pharmacies.
        This article is not to have you reassess your five-
        closest friends or family members. Rather it is to       So, for some years he has focused all his attention
        create the awareness that maybe it is time for you to    on his Real Estate investment practice. He sold all
        adjust your mindset that can help shape the quality      three companies, which are still in business today.
        and direction of your business and life.                 As a successful real estate investor, Stuart
                                                                 wanted to share his knowledge with others
        The hardest step is the first step. With everything      and started teaching real estate courses for the
        changing so quickly where does one start? Social         state association, Arizona Real Estate Investors
        media is full of solutions to everyone’s problems, for   Association (AZREIA) and 12 courses for the
        free. Shouldn’t your plan be specific to you and where   National REIA. In addition, Stuart is a Senior
        you are at this point in time, mentally, emotionally, and   Instructor at the Commercial Real Estate Institute
        financially?                                             and the iNETprereneur Academy where he has
                                                                 taught on 10 DIFFERENT topics that OVER 20,000
                                                                 STUDENTS have attended.
        With our clients, we start with creating a master
        plan just like a real estate developer. You already      Stuart is also lead editor to the Phoenix Real Estate
        know that nothing works according to plan, but you       Agent magazine & National REIA Journal and
        wouldn’t know that if you didn’t have a plan! We reduce   recently elected to the prestigious Forbes Real
        plan to “bite-size-pieces” and throw in a dose of        Estate Council.
        accountability. Meeting every few weeks allows for the

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