Page 36 - iNET magazine.June.2021
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(Yeah!!! It sounds rude. However, it’s an equally   boosting my ego. The measure of success is the key to
               important question to be answered.)             make your book reach the masses. No matter what kind
               6. How do you see the success of this book?     of book you write – fiction, nonfiction, theses, biographies,
               (Dream Big)                                     children’s, or textbooks; it is written with a purpose. The only
                                                               way you would know it is fulfilling its purpose is when it is
               7. What are the returns on investment for the book?   selling. You don’t want to make the money – find a cause
               (What is your measure of success? What happens   you can donate the proceedings too.
               after the book is launched?)
                                                               “People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations,
        If you have answered all the questions, you have an    stories, and magic.” – Seth Godin.
        absolutely clear picture of what your book looks like and
        what kind of audience you are serving.                 You are already a master of words. Make the most of it
                                                               by sharing and marketing your book/books. You need 3
        Phase 2- Title & Outline
                                                               ingredients to spread your magic through marketing -
        It is time to now name your project and draw an outline.   Stay Consistent – Don’t keep your followers waiting for you.
        These are not final, and they don’t have to be. Go with what
        you feel. You can always come back to it and edit it. As you   Show Up – It is unjust to your readers/followers when they
        start writing you will be more and more clear.         see less of you.
        Phase 3 – Write                                        Provide Value – Every time you show up – provide
                                                               something of value.
        Once steps 1 & 2 are executed well – writing is going to be a
        smooth journey.                                        One last thing I would love to say as a reminder is – “Don’t
                                                               let a bad experience or a bad review stop You.”- Snehal R.
        Set an alarm for every day 15-30 minutes and write every   Singh
        day. Some days you may just write a word and some days
        you will write a lot. If you keep showing up every day for
        your writing, words will be your best friends. Do not self-edit   Publisher & Founder of Mind Spirit Works
        while writing. Finish the entire manuscript before you start   Publishing, Abundance Strategist, 10X Best
        the editing. When you hit what people call “writer’s block”,   Selling Author, Writer’s Coach, Podcaster, &
        go back to your small notebook and read your 7 questions   International Speaker The mission is to sow the
        answers. They will spark a passion for writing.          seed of “Abundance” in the minds of people she

        Phase 4 – Publishing                                     connects with, which would inspire them to live
                                                                 fully, authentically and passionately.
        Choose your path of publishing. Ideally, when you are in the
        preparation phase you have somewhere decided how you     Her intention is to inspire and help as many
        want to publish. Whether you choose traditional publishing   writers and authors to get their message to their
        or self-publishing, it is all about what your dream is and   target audience.
        what you want in return. There is no right or wrong. Being a
        publisher – I do have a bias for self-publishing, and I believe   As the founder of Mind Spirit Works, Snehal is
        it gives an author a lot more freedom. However, it all comes   brand in herself and is known for her work in
        down to what do you want?
                                                                 the coaching and training field. She has worked
        Phase 5 – Marketing – Time to bring in your              with authors & life coaches nationwide and
        entrepreneurship skills.                                 internationally.

        “Marketing is not my thing.” “If I could just change one
        person’s life – I am happy.” “I am not writing a book for   She has so far created 4 best seller book aeries like
        money.” While I have said these myself at some point in   Coach Wisdom Vol I & II, The Ca111ng and The
        my life – I can assure you they helped me with nothing but   Shakti Awakening.

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