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Brian:  What are the best types of  are the students that I can create  for ways to leverage their time to
        properties to invest in right now?   success with.                        make more money.

        Stuart: Coming     out    of   the  Brian:  Tell  us  your  favorite  case  I  can’t  say  enough  about  what
        pandemic,  I  think  the  best  study of a student who succeeded  Robert  and  Shawn  Jones  do  to
        properties are going to be medical  with you?                             put  on  not  just  quality  events,
        buildings or multi-family.                                                quality-rated  shows,  and  quality
                                             Stuart: There  are  a  lot,  but  my  magazines,  but  they  put  their
        As far as medical buildings, if you  favorite one is a lady named Meg.  heart and soul into it, and it shows
        want to get your teeth cleaned, get  She had very little money to do this  with the quality of people just like
        your neck cracked, get your eyes  with, but she came on board as a  you, Brian.
        examined,  get  blood  drawn,  or  if  client.  She  handwrote  50  letters
        your  kid  is  sick—you’ve  still  got  to 50 different properties, and she  Brian:  Thank  you  so  much  for
        to go to the doctor. A lot of those  got five phone calls out of the 50.  being here, Stuart. It was a pleasure
        things you can’t do via telehealth.  That’s a 10% response.               having you here.
        And  so,  buildings  with  multiple
        tenants are what we’re looking at  Then she closed on her first deal  Stuart Gethner RPh  was born in
        now.                                 and made about $10,000. I said to  Chicago to  a  family of real estate
                                             her,  “Meg,  when  you  handwrote    professionals.  His undergraduate
        Brian:  When  you’re  looking  for  the letters, if you noticed you were   degree   and   graduate    degree
        investment partners, what do you  writing it to a guy, did you sprinkle   were  in  the  field  of  Business  and
        look for?                            a  little  perfume  on  it?”  And  she   Pharmacology.   He   moved   to
                                             smiled and said, “Yes, I did.”
        Stuart: Our  ideal  investor  partner                                     Phoenix,  Arizona  over  30-years
        is someone  who  wants to create  Brian:  That’s  amazing.  How  can      ago and as a  true entrepreneur,
        passive  income  secured  by  real  people  study  with  you  and  learn   Stuart  started  three  different,  very
        estate.  Someone  who  doesn’t  with you?                                 profitable  independent  pharmacies.
        know much about real estate may                                           So,  for  some  years  he  has  focused
        not be an ideal investment partner,  Stuart: I’m  different  from  those  all  his  attention  on  his  Real  Estate
        but  someone  who  understands  who  do  seminars.  I  coach  one-        investment  practice.  He  sold  all
        the ebbs and flows of real estate  on-one.  So,  if  they’re  interested  three  companies,  which  are  still  in
        and is looking for a good return is  in working hands-on, someone to  business today.
        a great fit.                         hold their hand, work side by side,
                                             shoulder to shoulder, then I’m your   As a successful real estate investor,
        When  you  invest  in  the  stock  guy. I just want to create success     Stuart wanted to share his knowledge
        market,  you  have  no  control  stories.                                 with others and started  teaching
        whether  your  stock  goes  up  or
        down,  but  when  you  invest  in  a  Anything less than that would be a   real  estate  courses  for  the  state
        building, you  can  drive  by  it, you  failure, and we don’t fail. We take   association,  Arizona  Real  Estate
        can see who’s in there. It’s a much  on clients to create success stories.   Investors Association  (AZREIA)  and
        more  tangible  asset.  People  who  You can reach out to me through      12 courses for the National REIA. In
        understand tangible assets would  email at stuart@stuart     addition, Stuart is a Senior Instructor
        be a great investment partner.       You can go to my website https://    at  the  Commercial  Real  Estate
                                    or you can call  Institute  and  the  iNETprereneur
        Brian:  And  you  also  teach  and  me at (480) 443-4500.                 Academy  where  he  has  taught on
        coach  people  how  to  do  this  as                                      10  DIFFERENT topics  that  OVER
        well. What does your ideal student  Brian:  Any  final  thoughts  you’d   20,000 STUDENTS have attended.
        look like?                           like to share?

                                                                                  Stuart  is  also  lead  editor  to  the
        Stuart: Our    ideal  student    is  Stuart: I love being a member of the   Phoenix Real Estate Agent magazine
        someone who is fed up with their  iNETrepreneur  Network  because
        life, who know there’s got to be a  everyone  who’s  involved  is  a      & National REIA Journal and recently
        better way, has the passion to do  person of high moral standards and     elected  to  the  prestigious  Forbes
        something about it, and will follow  ethics,  and  they’re  entrepreneurs   Real Estate Council.
        at the speed of instruction. Those  and solopreneurs. They’re looking

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