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P. 18
Brian: Let’s talk about 98 Brian: Building relationships is Jeff: Honored to be here, Brian.
Degrees. Who were your musical important in music and also in Thanks so much and congrats on
inspirations to get involved with business. I know you believe in the all your success and continued
music? importance of being really good to success to you.
people on your way up, because
Jeff: The list is so long. Of you don’t know when you might Jeff Timmons is the founding
course, we loved all the doo-wop actually need them. member of the internationally
and four-part harmony groups, acclaimed multi-platinum Grammy
and five-part harmony groups like Jeff: There’s no question about nominated group selling group, 98
the traditional Motown acts: The it. Be good to people on the way Degrees, which has sold over 15
Temptations, the Four Tops, etc. up because you might see them on million albums with four top five
the way down.
But we’re also from Ohio where radio singles.
classic rock was the rage. So, You want to make good
Boston, Eagles, and Journey— business decisions, create good After a successful 98 Degrees, he
those guys that could really belt it relationships, and network. But embarked on a solo career by touring
and they nailed those harmonies. I think the more real you are as with Jim Brickman and the 2013
a person to those people on the blockbuster package tour with 98
And, of course, our biggest one way up, the more they’re going to Degrees along with New Kids On
that influenced me that really got embrace you on the way down. The Block and Boyz II Men sold out
me excited about creating a group arenas in every city they visited and
like this was Boyz II Men. And I’ve seen that in my career. it was the highest grossing tour of
There’s no way I would still be able that year.
It was wonderful being signed to to be doing anything this many
Motown and sharing a label with years later if I didn’t have a bunch In November that year, Jeff took his
them, but also getting to tour with of people that I made friends with project, Men of the Strip on a 42-
them many years later. on the way up that have been city sold-out club tour, which caught
there for me going back down and
Brian: NSYNC and Backstreet now on the way back up again. the attention of the E! network who
Boys were very popular at the time subsequently filmed a docu-movie
that you were gaining traction. It’s most important that you treat about it.
How did you guys differentiate people the way you want to be
yourself from other similar groups treated, regardless of what future In Christmas 2019, 98 Degrees
in the market? results will be. headlined its Christmas tour in
support of their second Christmas
Jeff: We thought we were more Brian: Fantastic. How can we find album selling out shows everywhere
of a harmony-based group. Those you? across the country.
guys are extremely talented—
we’re friends with both of those Jeff: I’m on Twitter, Facebook,
groups and have a lot of respect Instagram, and really good about
and admiration for their success. being in touch with my fans, and
And we were hoping we could look out for any of the 98 Degree
have a fraction of their success. stuff. I’ve got a lot of projects on
the horizon and hope everybody
But we felt like we did lean a little enjoys everything.
bit more R&B, more balladeers,
more emphasis on the vocals. We Brian: Jeff, it was such an honor
definitely aren’t dancers and we to have you here. Thank you for
know that. But we thought our being here, my friend, it was fun.
sound was a little bit different.