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Brian: People tend to have We can do it with money. We take Randy: My website, randygage.
unhealthy attitudes towards $100,000 dollars and we can buy com, is the Starfleet Command for
wealth and money. What are some a $2 million condo or apartment everything I do. I’m all over social
of those harmful paradigms about building and leverage that money. media, and if you really want to
wealth and money? The problem with that is we need chat, the best place to get me is
somebody to lend us that money. Twitter.
Randy: That you have to sell your
soul to get rich, that you have to We can leverage our labor. I’m in Brian: Fantastic. Thank you for
be a bad parent to be rich. That Miami. I could go open a Arepa con being here.
if you’re a company, you need to Choclo cart and get 10 of them
rape and pillage and plunder the and hire 10 people to sell arepas Randy Gage is a thought-provoking
environment, you’ve got to exploit all day long. And that would give critical thinker who will make you
innocent people to make money me leverage, but I’ve got to find approach your business and your life
and you make money at all costs. the right 10 people and hire them. in a whole new way. He’s the author
But if we can leverage our time, our of many books translated into 25
I have a book called Accept Your reputation, and knowledge, then languages, including New York Times
Abundance. I always suggest we don’t need other people there. bestsellers, Risky Is the New Safe
people read that first because you That’s my business model. My
can’t be treated for prosperity, you business is built on my judgment, and Mad Genius.
have to be open to receive it. my critical thinking ability, my
lateral thinking, and my thought He’s spoken to more than 2 million
There are three ways prosperity is leadership. That’s what I get people across more than 50 countries
created. Number one is you solve paid for. Once you can leverage as a member of the Speaker’s Hall of
problems. Number two is you add yourself, leverage is a superpower. Fame. He’s also introduced direct
value. And number three is you selling in many developing countries
envision possibilities. Brian: Which form of leverage is and has trained the top income
your favorite? earners in dozens of companies.
If you can solve problems for
people, they’ll gladly pay you for Randy: The three I do are, first of He’s built a personal team of more
that. If you can add value—how all, network marketing, I’ve done than 200,000 people, and has
to do this quicker, cheaper, more that for 40 years now. For people served as a worldwide ambassador
efficiently—they will pay you who are interested in that, I have for the profession. And in 2014, he
for that. Then see possibilities. a couple of books specific to that
Nobody knew that they needed an topic on Amazon. was the first person inducted into
iPad until Steve Jobs created one the Network Marketing Hall of Fame.
and they knew they had to have Second, I like real estate, not as a
one. He envisioned possibilities. big-time investor, but I like to buy
So, those three ways are how we places that I think are in upcoming
create prosperity. areas. I gut them out to the studs,
totally remodel them, live there
Brian: Real wealth is created for a couple of years, and then sell
through leverage. What are some them. And I’ve done really well on
of the best business models for five or six of those.
doing this?
And then the third one is
Randy: I go back to the principle information because my business
of learn with your time, earn with model is that I’m an information
your mind. That’s going to allow entrepreneur.
you to create the most leverage.
How do we do that? Brian: Awesome. How can we
reach out to you?