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P. 11

Sales Language

                                                                                 By Neil Carlson

        Sales Language—these are the words you use that cause customers to put you off, change their mind, come
        up with objections, and so on that cause you to lose the sale. The majority of the time this occurs because
        of you and what you said that caused them to change their thinking.

        Salespeople have taught customers how to beat salespeople at their own game and don’t even realize it.

        Do  you think it  would help  It’s not as hard as one would think,  They will answer by saying, “No, I
        your sales if  you  knew  what  if you change how you think. We  don’t mind”, or perhaps, “Sure, go
        the customer thought of  you or  know customers  want  to say no.  ahead”.
        expected  from  you  before you  We know customers don’t like
        started the sales process? This can  salespeople because they think we  This opens their mind to receive
        create an advantage because it  lie, take advantage, want to sell us  what  you have to say.  They just
        would  give you  information  from  what we don’t always want, try to  gave  you  permission to do  what
        the customer on how to start the  get more money from us, and so  you want to do. The NO became
        sales process. It might lead you to  on. If sales are down, send me an  a  positive  no.  Your  subconscious
        start in a different way other than  email and let me help you out.       mind just  said, “I did my job and
        the way you normally do.                                                  said no to the salesperson”, which
                                             So, how do you get the customer  now leaves you in control.
        Most people have a negative view  on your side to start the sale, and
        of salespeople, and therefore don’t  how  do  you  find  out  what  they  Then  you  say, “Why did  you  set
        like them. And because of this, we  think of you to help with the sale?   this appointment with me?” Now
        want to say NO to them.                                                   the customer has to tell  you
                                             First,  you  want the customer to  what’s on their mind about  you.
        That being the case,  we need to  say NO and get rid of it. But you  More often than not, they will say
        figure  out  how  to  get  them  to  want the NO to be a positive NO,  positive things, and with that they
        change their thinking. People don’t  not a negative NO.                   will tell  you  what they  want and
        want to be sold, but they do want                                         what they expect to get. They will
        to buy.                              You say, “Before we begin, would  say things like, “We like what you
                                             you mind terribly if I asked you a  have and want to know more. We
        It would be a tremendous benefit  question?” This needs to be asked  like YOU, and thought you would
        to us if we knew what they thought  to get them to process any threat  be honest with us. We know you
        of us prior to the sales process. So  or fear of being sold out  of their  won’t try and oversell us what we
        how do we get that information?      mind, which it does.                 don’t want”.

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