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One of my favorite stories involve lose and love again. We’re giving Jeff and Donna are international
a friend who is a LegalShield people permission, Brian. bestselling authors and
member. He got a letter from his empowerment advocates who
HOA that said he had weeds in And I didn’t set out thinking that specialize in guiding entrepreneurs
his yard, and it’s a $25 fine. way, but that’s what the feedback and individuals alike. After the loss
has been. And it’s just a beautiful of Donna’s husband in 2016, her
This man has a yard service twice mission to be on. message of healing and self-care
a week, so called the HOA and via her vlog, “Daily Dose A Donna”
said he doesn’t have weeds in his Jeff: That’s been surprising, took the media by storm. Her unique
yard. They said, “You did and you because people tell us, “I just message of being intentional and
pay the $25 or we’ll put a lien on didn’t realize that I could love readjusting to life after loss, offers
your house.” The HOA was sent again and not feel guilty about it. strategic yet simple, and effective
a letter from the attorney that tools providing inspiration, clarity,
said, “Unless you can provide a Brian: Your show is called The and purpose for those looking to
picture of the weeds or produce Meador Affect. It starts in May, flourish. Donna’s new husband,
three witnesses willing to testify right? Jeff, took his message of how to
in court that they saw weeds be an alpha male while supporting
— you are to cease and desist Jeff: Yes, we will be on the iSHE a strong woman to social media
immediately and withdraw all TV Network once a week. And with his vlog, “The Men Behind
fines or we’ll take action.” they’ll put us on four different The Power.” In 2020, they won
times slots every week. Right the Forbes Riley’s Excelly “Power
The problem went away because now, we are doing a live Couple of Excellence” Award and
no one’s going to call a $300 an presentation on Facebook. co-created “The Meador Affect”
hour lawyer for a $25 problem Our tagline is “It is our sincere soon to be found on iSHE-TV
until now. desire that The Meador Affect has throughout the world.
an Effect on you”.
Donna: We do a weekly show Additionally, people all across
currently on social media where Brian: Donna, you mentioned the United States and Canada
we’re now empowering people, your book earlier. reach out to them to get enrolled
not only with the legal system, with LegalShield, a subscription-
but bringing forth what the Donna: The book I wrote based service. Benefits include
world needs right now, which is originally is called DATING: It’s legal counsel, estate planning, will
feeling good, laughing, and love. Not Personal. I started writing preparation, document review,
We will be taking it to television that because I started dating traffic ticket resolution, adoption
very shortly. when I was in my mid-forties and assistance to name a few.
realized there was something
Jeff: Our program is primarily missing. But when I started dating Their passion to empower others
dealing with showing people my husband, I went back to my has won them numerous trips,
that you can have a successful own blueprint. And I’m in the earned them Top Recruiter
relationship. You can do what process of writing another book Recognition, achieved the Rising
you love to do, you can love each about grieving and intimacy. Star Award in 2016, and has held a
other. And then we are going to “Bonus Level” for 112+ consecutive
be giving them things every week Brian: How can we find you? months. Donna knew from the
on how to be more successful in moment she discovered this
the thing that matters the most, Donna: We can be found empowering service in 2011, she
which is your relationship with anywhere on social media would be an advocate forever and
the people you care about and as well, but our email is recruited Jeff into the business. He
love. then turned around and recruited
her to be his wife and the rest, as
Donna: It’s been a result of Brian: Thank you so much for they say, is history.
showing people that it’s okay to being here.