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Success Is An
Inside Operation!
by Rich Parsons
As an entrepreneur, it’s so easy to get caught up in the comparison trap. Those that we learn from, aspire to
be, and use as a growth mechanism are often the same people we use to “trap” ourselves in the comparison
How can we navigate the waters One of my top coaching practices When you properly complete
of aspirational success without before moving into any new project this step, you are then able to
falling victim to the trap that we with a client, as well as my own move forward in creating goals,
often set so perfectly? We dig the projects, is to complete a 3-step objectives, and action steps to
hole, create the cover, and then Mindset Inventory Exercise™ to start the process.
step right into it. gain clarity and focus.
3) Have you determined why it’s
Why is that? When accomplished properly, important to be successful?
this can add a level of certainty to
Have you, at any point, looked at an often unknown area of focus. The desire to be successful can
where you are and felt that you Getting the best results from this be broken down through a series
should’ve been further along? exercise requires an open mind of simple questions, and telling
and a level of honesty in your self- responses, to get to the root of it
Have you taken time to ask reflection. all.
yourself, “WHY?”
2) Have you defined success, as it If you have ever completed a
What is keeping you from relates to what you are wanting to problem-solving exercise using
achieving the success you want accomplish? the Ishikawa Diagram, named after
and the outcome you desire? Kaoru Ishikawa, you’ve basically
Often times, we are delayed in walked out this exercise. You
Keeping in mind that “Success is our success because we haven’t simply ask, “Why is [your response
an inside operation,” I share five defined what success looks like for to previous question] important
questions to help line you up for that particular scenario. When we to you? Each response brings you
success. define it and shape some form of closer to the deep-rooted cause.
measurement, we are then able to
1) Have you conducted a Mindset better focus our efforts on what
Inventory? will create the desired outcome.