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Empowering People
To Start Again
After Loss
by Brian K. Wright
with Donna and Jeff Meador
Brian: Welcome, Donna and Jeff. Brian: Fantastic. How about you, This program includes the
How did you decide to do what Jeff? living will, the durable power of
you’re doing right now? attorney, and medical power of
Jeff: We jokingly tell people we attorney. So, it allows us to help
Donna: After the 2008 recession, met online and on our first date, people be in a stronger place.
I moved to Arizona. I was looking she actually recruited me into the That mission is exciting to us.
for a way to make residual business and shortly thereafter, I
income because I was living off recruited her. Brian: Tell us about a successful
credit cards. client that you’ve worked with.
Brian: Great! Tell us more
That’s when I discovered a specifically you are doing in the Donna: I’ve had so many
company called LegalShield marketplace. successful clients. And what I
and learned that there are legal love is that it ranges from people
plans available that make access Donna: What we do is we who can’t afford an attorney
to attorneys affordable for provide people with legal and people who can afford an
everyone. protection at an extremely attorney, but don’t want to spend
affordable monthly rate. It gives $400 or $500 an hour for them.
I wanted to be a rep because I people the opportunity to have
loved the message that we’re the very same power that every People are now understanding
able to assist everyone. But even celebrity or every rich person in that legal plans are here to stay,
more, I liked the idea of being an this country has. Brian. They’ve been around for
empowerment coach, because 50 years. We’ve been doing this
I empower women who are They’re protected for about $25 for 10. We’re empowering people
dating later in life due to losing a month, and they can pick up to pick up the phone because it’s
their spouse or going through a the phone to talk to the number way cheaper to keep you out of
divorce. one rated law firm in their state. trouble than to get you out of
In most cases, that usually has trouble.
I ended up writing a book about between 50 and 70 lawyers and
it, and I just kept on the journey they can find their options. We Jeff: Also, if you get a traffic
of empowering in both those are thrilled that we have a lot of ticket, you can take a picture and
areas. our friends at our age who need send it in. If it’s defendable, they
their wills done. will defend you.