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When my youngest son was 17 into motion what you have their personal and business
years old, he became very ill. designed. Each year, I establish finances. The possibilities are
Many doctors ran many tests the growth I want to achieve boundless.
to determine what was wrong, in my business, for instance,
to no avail. In the middle of the number of tax returns that Diana is the founder of DLH
the testing, his father lost his I will prepare. Generally, it’s Financial and Living Your
job and the health insurance. more than the year before, Greatness Coaching where
I added the family onto my and it’s an atypical number she empowers her clients to
policy. Unfortunately, my like 312, for example. I write find and to utilize their gifts so
type of insurance did not it down and imagine the they can live and work their
cover preexisting even with process. I do not necessarily abundance in all areas of their
no diagnosis. Regardless, tell anyone what my number lives. This is accomplished with
the money was always is, but I do go to work. At the years of experience developing
there for every test that the end of tax season, I will add up tools customized to the client’s
doctors ordered. Finally, they the number of returns I have dreams and goals and their
determined he had a non- prepared. I have never missed perspective of those dreams and
functioning gallbladder and it my goal because I hold the goals. She also hosts a Daring
needed to be removed. The image. As soon as you start Greatly Power Hour workshop
surgery was $30,000. My applying this mindset, you will once or twice a month where
husband was still unemployed have the freedom to live your she covers topics to enhance
and the insurance still did not life richly and generously while personal growth and leadership.
cover preexisting. I assured pursuing your passions with
my family that everything was no restrictions. She is a best-selling contributing
going to be okay; the money author in the collaborate
would be there. Eight days Each principle is a conscious books Goodness Abounds and
prior to surgery, the hospital awareness of your thoughts 365 Soulful Messages sold
called and said they noticed and actions to manifest the on Amazon. She is currently
our son had just turned 18. reality you want in regards writing her solo book, Living
Then they said even if he still to your wealth. Your wealth Your Greatness: Finding Your
lived at home and worked, does not need to be compared Freedom in the Good, the Bad,
as long as his income was to anyone else’s and truly is and the Ugly to be released in
below a certain level, they what is enough for you. Once late Fall of 2021.
had a program that would you have mastered these
cover the entire surgery. And principles, you will have the You can visit her at www.
it did! Once you have crafted clarity, certainty, and the or following
the ideal wealth abundance freedom you desire in your life her at https://www.facebook.
mindset, you will have the in regards to money. com/Diana.LivingYourGreatness
certainty you need. You are in
control. Visit me at www. to learn
The third principle is more about how I work
implementing what you with my clients to achieve
have created. It’s time to put these principles throughout