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Are You Happily
by Lori Lynn and
Timothy R. Johnson
“On a scale of 1–10, what’s Turns out, “unemployable” is They enjoy risk, and they enjoy
your level of trust with me in another word for “entrepreneur.” play.
business?” he asked.
People who are happily In business, they look for
“I’d say a 10,” she said. unemployable (entrepreneurs) end alternative ways to make money.
up starting their own businesses They tend to be good at sales. They
“On a scale of 1–10, how much because they don’t like when other pay attention. They ask questions.
do you trust me on a personal people waste their time. They like They make connections. They
level?” to move fast. They like being in deliver results.
“Maybe a 7?” Tim says that people ask him all
In business, the Chief Operating the time how he’s able to get so
“What would take it to a Officer (COO) prefers to get much done. His answer? “I don’t do
10?” a checklist and get it done. 90% of the work.”
Operators love speed.
“Do what you said you were going How is that possible?
to do.” They want you to give them the
bottom line. They don’t care about Tim doesn’t look for clients for
“What’s that?” he asked. the back story. They don’t want his own businesses. He looks
a lengthy explanation. They want for clients for his network. He
“Talk to my kid,” she said. the short version so they can empowers his partners and puts
spend the rest of the time getting them first. For example, Tim asked
That conversation happened things done. Lori to help him write the book,
between Lori and Tim, the co- Unemployable, but he insisted her
authors of this article. In school, they’re the kids who name come first on the cover.
hate having to show their work. When she questioned him about
After Tim spent about an hour They’re somehow able to skip all it, he said, “If you put your partner’s
with Lori’s 16-year-old son, who of their classes but still pass the name first, they own it. They show
was teetering on the rails, Tim final exam. They love a challenge, up. They’re happy to go above and
said, “He’s an operator—like me. but they hate tedious work. beyond. If I build that culture, I
Your kid is unemployable.” don’t have to work that hard.”