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4) What are you focusing on?         are likely missing out  on the  Rich Parsons applies nearly 30
                                             opportunity to advance  yourself  years  of  leadership  expertise  in
        Perhaps  you have heard the  and your business to the next level.         the military and civilian sectors  to
        statement, as shared by Larry                                             develop entrepreneurs and business
        Kendall, John Maxwell, or others,  The  self-education  industry  is      professionals  to show up at  their
        “What  you focus on expands.” I  growing at an unbelievable pace,         very best every single day. Rich helps
        find  there  to  be  no  truer  words  so there is no excuse to not invest
        when it  comes to how our focus  in  some  self-education.  Globe         clients get unstuck and stop hitting
        impacts outcomes.                    Newswire reported in April 2020      walls that  prevent their  ability to
                                             that online learning is expected to   accelerate  progress towards their
        So, I ask you to honestly and truly  grow to more than $320 billion by    goals. He recently founded and
        reflect on that statement and ask  2025. You have opportunities!          launched  a  new  e-magazine  called
        yourself, “What am I focusing on?”                                        Your  Success,  in  which  he  gives  a
                                             What  are  you  investing  in  to  space for entrepreneurs and business
        Do you focus on the outcome or  develop yourself so you can show  experts to share their message and
        the  obstacle?  Do  you  attend  to  up and do your very best daily?      business  to an audience  of more
        “the noise” or the needle-movers                                          than 100,000 potential readers.
        towards success (Pareto’s 80/20)?    I add one final question...
                                             What does the “inside operation”
        5) Are you investing in yourself?    for success look like for you?       Rich’s website is
        This  can  be  a  tough  question,                                        com and you can connect with him
        especially    for    entrepreneurs                                        on Facebook (rich.parsons.HCC)
        and  business  owners.  However,                                          LinkedIn (rich-parsons/) or
        without  investing  in  yourself                                          719-896-1188.
        through     self-education,    you

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