Page 26 - 57802 Summer 2020
P. 26

When Less Is More: The Power of the Six Minute Webinar

                            by Don McGrath, Jim Grant, and Bill Heinrich

        Imagine  what  it  would  feel  like  to  solves,  followed  by  an  explicit  another level when you can create

        pin-point your value in six minutes  promise of what they will get from  that presentation in a timely manner

        or less, with such clarity that people  your  Six  Minute  Webinar .  Next  with  step-by-step  guidance  and
        are compelled to say  yes to  your  comes  the  soluti on  and  how  your  stick  the  landing  with  tremendous

        “Call  to  Action”.  And  you  can  use  product  solves  their  problem,  and  impact at the end.”
        this  message again and again in  the webinar ends with your call to
        many  different  ways  and  get  the  acti on.                             We  are  so  excited  about  the

        same  results.    With  the  advent                                       results  everyone  received  in  our

        of  a  revolutionary  marketing  tool  We have developed a step-by-step  pilot  that  we are sponsoring  a Six

        invented  by  Speakers  Pathway  training,  which  makes  it  possible  Minute  Webinar  TM  Virtual Bootcamp

        Coalition, this is a reality.        for  you  to  create  a  powerful  Six  for   Saturday,   September12th.
                                             Minute  Webinar   in  a  very  short  Parti cipants  will  create  their  own
        Since  the  inception  of  Speakers  ti me  frame.    The  clarity  created  Six  Minute  Webinar  with  the

        Pathway  about  two  years  ago,  we  is  powerful,  enabling  you  to  have  guidance  of  the  Speakers  Pathway
        have  discovered  that  one  of  the  laser  focused  marketi ng  messages  Executi ve  Team.  To  fi nd  out  more
        most  significant  problems  facing  around each of your products. This  about  our Virtual  Bootcamp,  email

        entrepreneurs  is  lack  of  clarity  also enables you to test a number of
        in  their  marketing  message.  Our  variati ons very quickly and opti mize

        training and coaching  centers  your sales.
        around showing entrepreneurs how                                          Don  McGrath  and  Jim  Grant  are
        to get  this clarity, and  when  they  The  initi al  pilot  program  recently   Co-Founders  of  Speakers  Pathway
        do,  the results they see in  their  completed, and at  its  conclusion   Coalition,  whose  mission  is  to  teach

        business growth is nothing short of  we ran a contest to see who could    entrepreneurs  how  to  monetize

        astounding.                          generate  $100  in  sales  the  fastest   their  expertise  through  the  power  of

                                             with their first Six Minute Webinar .

        Over the past nine months, to help  The  winner  was  given  the  ti tle   speaking. You can reach Don and Jim
        our members in an even bigger way,  of  our  fi rst  Hundred  Dollar  Hero,   at
        we have been distilling our training  and the  winner  was none other

        down to  its  essence,  and  one  than  Robert  W.  Jones,  Founder  of   Bill  Heinrich  is  an  Executive Training
        outcome of this is the invention of  Network  Together  and  creator  of  Director   at   Speakers   Pathway

        the Six Minute Webinar , which is a  this magazine!                       Coalition  and  Co-Creator  of  the  Six

        distillation of years of study on how                                     Minute Webinar . He is the author of


        to  move  people  to  action  through  Within 24 hours of completi ng his  The Seven Levels of Truth: The answer
        speaking.                            first  Six  Minute  Webinar ,  Robert   to  life’s  biggest  question,  and  is  a


                                             generated  more  than  $100.  How    high-level business coach, with clients
        The  opening  serves  the  purpose  amazing is that? Upon being told he   around the world. You can contact Bill

        of  getting  someone’s  attention.  was our winner, Robert told us that,   through   www.truelifepurposenow.

        What then follows is a description  “It is one thing to create a powerful

        of  the  problem  that  your  product  presentati on,  but  it  launches  it  to   com.
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