Page 29 - 57802 Summer 2020
P. 29

Market       volatility  BIBLIOGRAPHY
                                                          has  a  Beta  of  1.0
                                                          in-which  funds  are  Blake  Jr.,  Dr.  Joseph  M.  (2019).
                                                          measured against.       Joseph, Building Financial Literacy.:

                                                                                  Spotlight on Your Business.
                                                          So,  stock  Beta’s  less
                                                          an 1.0 is riskier, but is
                                                          supposed to provide     wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Dow-
                                                          higher returns. While   Jones-Inustrial-Average-Chart-100-
                                                          stocks with Beta’s
                                                          greater    than   1.0   Years.png
                                                          pose  less  risk  and

                                                          garner lower possible |  investing  |
                                                          returns.                beta-know-risk

                                                                                  Dr.  Blake  is  an  Investment  Advisor
                                             Which would you prefer?              with  26-yrs  industry  experience
        How  does  this  relate  to  a
        financial    concept,   you    say?   Enough  for  today’s  session  and   with Series 6, 63, & 65 Licenses (10

        What  do  you  know  about  the      until the next lesson…               States).  In October 2019, Dr. Blake

        Beta  of  an  investment  fund?                                           Published his book entitled, ‘Joseph:
        Beta  is  a  generally  measure  of   Get Wisdom! And in all things: Get   Building Financial Literacy’ becoming
        an  investment  in  relation  to  the   an understanding!                 and Amazon #1 Bestselling Author.

        overall funds in its category.


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                           • Is it better to pay the ticket or go to
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                           • Can my landlord/tenant do that?
                           • Is now the right time to update my                  DONNA SPARACO MEADOR
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                                                                                People tell me how lucky I am to
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                           • What would "full restoration" mean to me?

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