Page 27 - 57802 Summer 2020
P. 27

Why You Need An

                                                         Estate Plan

                                                                      by Richard H. Agins, Esq.

                                                         One of the most difficult things about my law practice is
                                                         overcoming  people’s  built-in  resistance  to  contemplating

                                                         their  own  mortality.  For  some  reason  having  no  basis  in
                                                         reality, people are reluctant to plan for their inevitable end
                                                         of life.

        I  know  you’ve  often  heard  the  an estate plan and make those  planning, but also, with the entire

        quote  by  the  immortal  Scottish  decisions for yourself?               spectrum  of  legacy  planning.  I

        writer, Robert Burns, that “The best                                      want to ensure that when my
        laid plans o’ mice and men often go  Estate  planning  used  to  be  all  client dies, he or she leaves behind

        astray.” Or the saying “Make plans  about  the  distributi on  of  assets  a fitting legacy for family, friends,

        and  watch  God  laugh.”    It’s  true  and  the  avoidance  of  taxes.  and  charities  of  his/her  choice.
        that  the  realization  of  our  plans  Recent changes in the law ensure  That often takes the form of more

        usually is  not  guaranteed.    But,  that only estates valued in excess  than  just  legal  documents,  and
        under  our  legal  system,  if  YOU  of  $11.58  million  as  of  2020  are  leaves  my  clients  knowing  that
        don’t  plan  for  your  estate,  the  subject  to  a  federal  estate  tax.  they  will  be  well  and  properly
        government  will  do  it  FOR  you.  Only six states - Iowa, Kentucky,  remembered by posterity.
        Do you want that? Do you want a  Maryland,  Nebraska,  New  Jersey
        judge to decide who will raise your  and  Pennsylvania  -  have  state  That, in a nutshell, is why an Estate
        minor children, or who will share in  inheritance taxes.                  Plan is necessary!
        your hard-earned assets? Do you
        want  a  judge  to  have  to  resolve  One  thing  I’ve  always  enjoyed  Richard  H.  Agins  is  an  attorney

        family squabble? I think not!        about drafting business contracts  and  a  certi fi ed  public  accountant
                                             is that it requires the use of what  with  a  master’s  degree  in  business

        I, for one, want to be sure that MY  I call “periscope vision”—the ability  administration. He began his career
        wishes  are  carried  out  after  my  to see around corners in order to  in  New  York  City  in  1970,  in  the

        death. Our legal system ensures  avoid  potenti al  future  problems.  accounting  and  finance  profession

        that if we are mentally competent  I’ve acquired a measure of periscope  and  in  1999  matriculated  at  Pace
        and  have  reached  the  legal  age  vision  from  my  many  years  as  a  University  School  of  Law,  where

        of majority at the time of signing  businessman,  accountant,  and  he  was  the  managing  editor  of  the
        our estate planning documents,  lawyer. I do my best to place that  Pace  Law  Review.  Richard  moved

        they will be honored by a court of  periscope vision at the service of  to Arizona in 2013 and after a brief

        law.  Therefore,  our  plans  are,  by  my estate planning clients; to help  stint  with  a  local  firm,  he  started

        and  large,  sure  to  be  carried  out  them avoid problems aft er they’re  Agins  Law  Firm,  PLC  focusing  on
        according to our wishes.             gone—not only financial problems,  estate  planning,  probate,  elder

                                             but interpersonal problems caused  law,  business  transacti ons  and
        If  we  die  without  a  will,  we  are  by  family  members  fi ghti ng  over  bankruptcy.
        said  to  have  died  “intestate,”  control  of  businesses,  assets

        which means that the State gets  and  general  “stuff .”    That’s  why  - (480) 401-2660 -
        to make the decisions concerning  nowadays, a good estate planning

        our  assets.  Isn’t  it  better  to  have  att orney deals not only with estate

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