Page 31 - 57802 Summer 2020
P. 31

High  unemployment  adds  risk  of  homeowners and landlords rid  No one knows  with  certainty
        rent defaults. If you’re a renter and  themselves of the housing albatross  what  lies  ahead  for  current  real

        can’t  afford  your  rent,  then  your  around their necks.                estate investors, homeowners, and

        landlord may face their own set of                                        vacation rentals post-pandemic.
        challenges. Many landlords used  It is a well-known fact that fi nancing

        their savings to keep their property  is the sti cking point on every deal.  As you navigate real estate investi ng
        and  lifestyle  afloat.  You  can  run  a  Whether it’s a real estate, retail or  post-pandemic,   beginning   and

        business without making a profit, but  service transacti on, it’s all about the  experienced investors can rely on a
        you cannot run a business without  money.                                 few fundamentals.

        cash flow. So, landlords of houses,
        duplexes, and small apartment  Financing,  or  lack  thereof,  will  First,  we  always  look  for  bargains.
        complexes  will  face  challenges  compound this pandemics tumult. In  As in any business, you make your
        when  their renters can’t  pay their  April 2020, Chase Bank announced  money  when  you  buy.    Second,
        rent as high unemployment adds  their  new  requirements  of  a  700  run  the  rental  cash  fl ow  numbers
        risk of rent defaults.               FICO score, along with a 20% down  carefully with someone experienced,
                                             payment to buy a home. According  qualifi ed, and knowledgeable. Last,

        The Vacation Home Rental Industry  to Chase, those  lending standards  invest  in  areas  that you  know  and
        is  big  business,  as  many  choose  a  also  apply  to  refi nances  on  non-  with  people  that  you  trust.  As  my
        fully  furnished  home  or  apartment  Chase mortgages.                   father  taught  me,  there  are  two
        with  bedrooms  and  bathrooms                                            times  to  invest  in  real  estate.  The

        along with a full kitchen and laundry  Wells  Fargo  is  now  requiring  new  fi rst ti me was 20 years ago. And the

        facilities.  For  a  family  or  gang  of  customers  to  bring  at  least  $1  second ti me is now.

        friends,  a  vacation  rental  is  more  million  in  balances  if  they  want  to
        affordable and fun when compared  refi nance  a  jumbo  mortgage,  up  Stuart  Gethner  is  a  seasoned  Real

        to a resort or hotel.                from a previous level of $250,000.   Estate  Investor  who  has  personally
                                             The change came in July, making it  invested  in  over  $10  million  in

        Last year, the online vacation rental  far harder for customers to qualify.  single-family  residences,  commercial

        market accounted for almost 30% of                                        properties,   industrial   complexes,

        all vacation housing.                So,  here’s  another  dilemma.  As  land  opportuniti es,  and  hard-money
                                             this  is a seller’s market,  there are  lending transacti ons.
        Arizona’s  number  one  crop  is  multi ple off ers on many properti es.
        tourism.  So,  when the terrorist  Some off ers have escalati on clauses  From the start of his investi ng tenure,
        attacks  of  2001  hit  America,  the  allowing the seller to take a higher  Stuart has been educati ng others how

        travel industry came to a standstill.  price if and when there are multi ple  to fi nd deals and properly execute on

        There were few vacationers during  off ers.  Oft enti mes,  the  appraisal  them.

        the 2008 financial crisis, and families  arrives,  and  it  does  not  match  the
        were  scrambling  to  keep  their  buyer’s off er price. The buyer must  He is the CEO of Gethner Educati on,
        homes. Currently, the pandemic has  now come-up with the extra money  Coaching  &  Consulti ng,  and  has
        disrupted  the  travel  industry  from  to ascertain the loan.            coached hundreds of students on how
        family vacations to business travel.                                      to successfully invest. He also founded

        Zoom  has  become  a  household  Or, the buyer walks away from the  and acti vely heads up Networking REI,
        name.                                property,  frustrated,  leaving  the  a thriving real estate investi ng group
                                             seller frustrated as well.           that meets on a monthly basis.
        Most of Arizona’s tourism is in the
        winter/spring  months  as  no  one  The COVID-19 virus pandemic and  Over the years, Stuart has acquired a
        wants  to  come  to  our  fabulous  subsequent  recession  leave  us  in  great deal of experience in purchasing
        resorts,  golf  courses,  and  outdoor  uncharted territory. No one knows  with cash, traditi onal fi nancing, seller

        activities in the summertime. Hence,  if  a  deadly  second wave  looms  on  fi nancing, and hard money lending. In

        the advent of “staycations” to host  the horizon or how long it will take  additi on, he has parti cipated in Lease

        local residents at discounted rates  for  businesses  and  job  markets  to  /  Opti ons,  Subject  To,  wholesaling,

        to keep the cash flow coming was  recover.  Morningstar  and  Financial  Fix-&-Flips, as well as his favorite: Buy
        invented.  The pandemic is creating  Times believe tourism won’t return  & Holds.

        havoc  on  the  vacation  rental  to  pre-pandemic  levels  for  at  least
        industry, especially in Arizona.     two  years  AFTER  a  vaccine  has  You can learn more about Stuart at
                                             been  discovered  and  distributed  htt ps://
        Therefore,  there  will  be  upcoming  worldwide.  And  Arizona  needs

        opportunities    to    help   both  tourism to help thrive her economy.
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