Page 34 - 57802 Summer 2020
P. 34

Are you a “Stuffer”?

                                                                                     by Stephanie DeWayne

                                                       Too many of us are “Stuffers”. We all have “stuff” that comes up

                                                       in our lives—stuff like negative events and emotions.

                                                       Stuff  can  come  from  anywhere  at  any  time.  Sometimes  we

                                                       don’t even realize it.  Far too many of us stuff these events and

                                                       emotions deep down inside of ourselves.

                                                       Stuffing can manifest itself in different ways.

         Our  mind  is  our  most  powerful  pati ents going to town with her bat  Let  me  help  you  shatter  what’s

         tool. As a Clinical Hypnotist, I help  on that Mustang!                  blocking  you,  what’s  standing  in
         people  change the  energy that  is                                      your way and holding you back from

         attached to their stuff through the  You see, the source of the problem  being the person you were born to

         subconscious mind.                  is  that  she  stuffed  down  all  her  be.

                                             negative  emotions  for  over  60
         Have  you  ever  done  something    years. Emotions are energy. Energy

         in  the  moment  where  you  just   does  not  just  disappear.  It  has  to  Stephanie  DeWayne  is  a  Certi fi ed
         snapped and regretted it later? 90%   go somewhere. It can come out in  Clinical  Hypnoti st  who  provides  her

         of people are not even aware that   different  forms,  such  as  disease,  clients  with  proven  mind-shift   tools

         they  feel  anger  or  understand  its   negative  emotions,  and  negative   and strategies so that they can make

         impact on their daily lives.        actions.    For  her  it  was  rage  and   the  changes  they  desire  quickly  and

         I was  working  with  a  62-year-   anger.  In  just  a  few  months  of  us   easily  resulting  in  a  healthy  mind,
         old home  care nurse. She has the   working together through hypnosis,   body and lifestyle.  A teacher at heart,

         sweetest voice that is so gentle and   she was able to change her emotions   her  true  passion  is  helping  others
         kind. She is about 5’ 4” and always   and  her  thoughts. She  now  has   be  inspired,  educated  and  ready  to
         dressed to the tee. She came  to    control and the tools she needs to   achieve unlimited success!
         me  with  anger  and  massive  rage   help her in the future.
         problems.                           She called me the other day and      Stephanie has been in the health care
         She told me she had lost all her  shared  with  me  that  she  just  got   profession for almost 3 decades, is a

         friends,  and  her  son  won’t  let  her  back  from  a  10-day  cruise  with   member of the International Medical

         see her grandkids until she gets help  her  friends,  she  is  enjoying  her   and  Dental  Association  and  has

         for her anger and rage.             grandchildren,  and  she  even  has  a   expertise in a myriad of therapies and
                                             new love in her life that she never   protocols.
         When she was driving her car one  thought would be possible.
         day,  a  car  cut  her  off  and  then                                    By The Sea Hypnosis is located at 850

         honked at her. At the next stop, she  “I absolutely love what I do.” Seeing   NW  Federal  Hwy  in  Stuart  Florida.
         grabbed  the  baseball  bat  that  she  the changes take place in my clients  World-Wide Via Zoom.
         always kept in the front seat of her  so  rapidly  is  incredibly  rewarding.
         car. She got out with her bat in hand  Hypnosis unlocks the power of the  Phone #: 772-207-0824
         and walked over to the car that she  mind  at  the  speed  of  thought  and  Email:   bytheseahypnosis@gmail.
         felt  did  her  wrong  and  began  to  the positi ve results are there.  com
         whale  on it!  Can you imagine that                                      Website:  www.bytheseahypnosis.
         little lady with the sweet voice and  My heartf elt intenti on is to serve as  com

         compassion  for  her  home  bound  many people possible.
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